Corvorium Settlement in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Corvorium, positioned in the center-south of Naria, is a fortress-like town that serves as the residence of DretKag himself. It is a strategic location and a symbol of power, where the ruler and his most loyal followers reside.


Corvorium is a fortress-like town inhabited mainly by orcs and the elite members of DretKag's horde, as well as his loyal advisers and commanders.

Industry & Trade

The town's economy revolves around supporting DretKag's Horde and providing military equipment, arms, and armor. Some blacksmiths and craftsmen produce specialty weapons for the elite warriors.


Corvorium's architecture is robust and fortified, designed to withstand attacks and provide maximum security for DretKag and his inner circle. It includes barracks, armories, and council chambers.


Corvorium's greatest assets are its well-trained and battle-hardened soldiers, who serve as the backbone of DretKag's rule.


Corvorium was established as DretKag base of operations when he rose to power in Naria. Its construction marked the consolidation of his control over the land.


Corvorium is located in the center-south of Naria, surrounded by vast deserts and rocky hills that provide a natural defense.

Natural Resources

Corvorium's location amid rocky hills offers an abundance of stone for construction, while the nearby deserts provide little in the way of natural resources.


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