DretKag Character in Sarazi | World Anvil
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DretKag (a.k.a. The Fist of Naria)


  DretKag is the self-appointed ruler of Naria who rules through fear and might. Most of the villages and cities in Naria give tribute to him and his horde through the offering of food, supplies, gold, and even by offering recruits to strengthen his Horde.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

DretKag possesses a strong, slender build that belies his surprising agility. Despite his imposing stature, he can move with surprising speed and finesse, making him a formidable opponent in combat. His physical prowess adds to the aura of intimidation he exudes as a warlord.

Body Features

DretKag's imposing height of 6' 9" and his robust physique command respect and fear. His long, braided black hair and red skin, adorned with white war paint, contribute to his fearsome appearance. The skulls of vanquished rivals and powerful rulers are displayed on his tribal orc outfit, symbolizing his dominance and triumphs.

Special abilities

DretKag possesses an uncanny ability to inspire fear and loyalty in his followers. His charisma and forceful personality command obedience, and he can manipulate others to bend to his will. As a seasoned warrior, he wields his long polearm with exceptional skill and brutal efficiency, striking terror into the hearts of his enemies.

Apparel & Accessories

DretKag wears the typical tribal orc outfit with the skulls of other powerful rulers he has slain in his conquests added onto it in various places.

Specialized Equipment

DretKag wields a long pole arm with spikes fitted on the front and back ends, he has used this weapon for many years. This weapon instills fear in anyone who see its unsheathed, for DretKag will only unsheathe it if blood is to be spilt.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Not much is known about Dretkags younger years but he started his military ascent at the age of 16, joining one of Naria’s small raiding tribes and slowing rising through the ranks, converting this tribe into the now well known DretKag's Horde.


DretKag is yet to be seen with a romantic interest, besides the troves of sexual conquests he usually keep around himself.


DretKag was enlisted in a very nice orcish school in his home village for the first 15 years of his life

Accomplishments & Achievements

DretKag is extremely accomplished in bringing the tribes and villages of Naria together as one. Naria used to be a raiding country but after DretKag took power he allied the orca together and now they only seek destruction for the benefit of Naria

Failures & Embarrassments

DretKag considers any form of failure or embarrassment as unacceptable. He has experienced setbacks in the past, but he is skilled at hiding them from others. If he faces a setback, he will be relentless in seeking revenge and redemption, ensuring that any perceived weakness is swiftly eradicated.

Mental Trauma

Him and his three brothers were forced to fight to the death when they were each around 6&7 because their family could only sustain one child and because of the raw sense of strength they demanded their child possess.

Morality & Philosophy

DretKag is quite morally deprived when it comes to thinking about his enemies, but for Naria he makes each decision very carefully in order to ensure the best outcome for Naria and its people.

Personality Characteristics


DretKag's motivation is driven by a thirst for power, control, and recognition. He desires to be remembered as the ultimate ruler of Naria and aims to expand his dominion to become a feared and respected figure throughout Sarazi. He believes that absolute power will grant him the means to protect Naria and ensure its prosperity under his reign.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

DretKag is a master strategist when it comes to military conquests and inspiring loyalty among his followers. He knows how to manipulate situations to his advantage and keep his rivals in check. However, his single-minded pursuit of power can blind him to the potential consequences of his actions, leading to tunnel vision and occasional lapses in judgment.

Likes & Dislikes

DretKag revels in the fear and respect he commands from his subjects, enjoying the feeling of dominance and control. He dislikes any form of insubordination, disobedience, or weakness, swiftly punishing those who dare to defy him.

Vices & Personality flaws

DretKag's unquenchable thirst for power and control can be his downfall. His ruthlessness and disregard for life can lead to unnecessary conflicts and alienate potential allies. He is prone to underestimating the determination and resilience of his enemies, leading to costly mistakes.



DretKag's reign has been marked by relentless conquest and the unification of various tribes and villages into his formidable horde. His rule has been characterized by fear and tyranny, with his dominion extending across Naria and causing tensions with neighboring countries.

Social Aptitude

DretKag possesses a commanding charisma and confidence that instills fear and respect in those around him. His ego is enormous, and he believes he is destined to rule and conquer. He can be intimidating and demanding, and his mannerisms exude an aura of authority and control.
Light Green
Long braided black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Red, Mainly with white war paint
6' 9"
Known Languages
Orcish, Common, Elvish, and Primordial


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