Cyia's WrathWood Blessing Item in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Cyia's WrathWood Blessing

Cyia's WrathWood Blessing is a dagger made entirely of holy steel.   1d4 Radiant Damage.   Ten Blades: When a creature is successfully hit with an attack by this weapon ten magical blades materialize and slash the target simultaneously, granting 10 times the rolled damage number.    Burning Wounds: After a creature is hit by this weapon, they must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 1d4 - 1 radiant damage ten times at the end of the turn.   Cyia's Blessing: Instead, you may use an action to stab the dagger into the ground where it creates a 15-foot radius of nature energy any character that is inside this radius at the begging of their turn will be healed by 1d20, if that character rolled less than a six, they take that much damage instead.    Soul Leech: Any time this weapon lands a final blow on a character that character's soul becomes trapped inside the weapon, when this happens the wielder must make a DC 8 intelligence saving throw, the DC is 1 higher for each soul trapped inside. If the wielder fails the saving throw, they themselves will be trapped inside the shard as well. If the wielder rolls a 1 the weapon shatters and all souls trapped inside will materialize with their body at full strength.    Soul Strength: This weapon has +1 attack for each soul trapped inside.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Owning Organization


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