Cyia, Goddess of Nature Character in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Cyia, Goddess of Nature (See-Ah)

Cyia, The Goddess of Nature is an ancient being who has been in this plane for centuries upon centuries. She is the mother of all nature and is said to preside over the lands of Laolisa and Murgland. She blessed these lands long ago with the creation of both the The World Tree and the The Tree of Life. She has been worshiped by the group who call themselves Cyia's Children for generations upon generations, and legends tell that long ago she used to appear to them often, however, no one has even claimed to see her in decades.


When Cyia's Children were being slaughtered by The Shade of Daek Cyia bestowed upon to them a fragment of one of her holy swords, Cyia's WrathWood Blessing.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Cyia is the mother of nature and exists solely to protect it.
Divine Classification


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