Cyia's Children Organization in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Cyia's Children

Tenets of Faith

The basic practices of Cyia's Children is that nature is to be protected at all costs, as well respected and maintained. Long ago this was a very harsh and ridged tenet but now days the followers simply try to respect nature as much as they can in their daily lives.


Long ago Cyia's Children were much more strict and required their followers to go above and beyond when it came to honoring and protecting the nature around them. However these days since their numbers have dwindled so drastically and they are no longer as organized, each member pays tribute in their own way. Although the base values of honoring the nature around them and working to preserve it are still holding strong.


Most of Cyia's Childen show their faith by nurturing the land and keeping the nature around them thriving. At the start of every week, the followers will go outside and pray to Cyia on their knees in whatever nature surrounds them. They usually do this for half an hour and will ask for her blessing for the week.


Even when the religion was more organized there was no defined hierarchy or priesthood and everyone was meant to be seen as equals, however that, unfortunately, wasn't always the case.

Granted Divine Powers

Cyia, The Goddess of Nature has never been told to have ever granted any of her followers any sort of divine powers or supernatural powers. However it is rumored that many many years ago Cyia bestowed upon the leader of her children Cyia's WrathWood Blessing, a shard of one of her holy swords. However after the fabled Shades Slaughter, where the The Shade of Daek was killed by her followers the WrathWood Blessing was never seen again.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Recently the Influence of Cyia has died down tremendously, hundreds of years ago the land where Laolisa and Murgland was governed by Cyia's Children but over time as belief in Cyia  faded rulers who were less and less involved with her were granted power until her following was small enough that political leaders now take no part in even acknowledging it.
Religious, Holy Order


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