Gista Settlement in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Gista, located in the far south-west of Naria, lies close to the border of Naria and Ozinland. This small village engages in trade with the cities of Ozinland, fostering limited interactions and cultural exchange.


Gista is a small village inhabited primarily by orcs and a few traders from Ozinland.

Industry & Trade

The village's economy relies heavily on trade with Ozinland. Traders from both sides regularly meet in Gista to exchange goods and forge alliances.


Gista's infrastructure consists of basic houses and market stalls where traders gather to exchange goods.


Gista's main assets are its strategic location near the border of Naria and Ozinland, which facilitates trade between the two regions.


Gista was established as a trading outpost to foster a peaceful relationship between Naria and Ozinland after Naria declared an end to raiding attacks.

Points of interest

The village's marketplace is a bustling hub of activity, with traders from both Naria and Ozinland bartering and exchanging goods.


Gista is located in the far southwest of Naria , close to the border of Ozinland .

Natural Resources

The village's natural resources are minimal, but its strategic location makes it an important trading post.

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