Surum Settlement in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Surum, an ancient town in the high north of Naria, has long been destroyed by the legends of a fearsome dragon that once roamed the skies above it. Situated at the foot of steep plateaus that separate Naria from Obu, Surum is now a ruin of forgotten times, with the remnants of its once-great civilization serving as an eerie reminder of the dragon's wrath.


Surum was once a bustling town inhabited by a diverse population of humans, orcs, and other races. However, after the dragon's destruction, it became an abandoned and eerie place, with no permanent residents.

Industry & Trade

Before the dragon's onslaught, Surum's economy relied on agriculture and trade with neighboring settlements. It was known for producing an abundance of crops and had a thriving trade network. However, trade ceased after the dragon's destruction.


In its prime, Surum had stone buildings, winding streets, and an elaborate marketplace. Now, its infrastructure lies in ruins, with crumbling walls and dilapidated structures.


Surum's assets were once its fertile farmlands, but now all that remains are the remnants of a once-prosperous town and the mysteries of a dragon's attack.


Surum's history is now shrouded in legends of the dragon's rampage, making it a place of fear and caution for travelers passing through the region.

Points of interest

The plateau that looms over Surum has become a place of pilgrimage for adventurers seeking to uncover the truth behind the dragon's legend. and those trying to cross the treacherous border between Obu and Naria.


Surum is located in the high north of Naria at the base of steep plateaus that separate Naria from Obu, surrounded by steep plateaus. Access to fresh water is scarce, and the land remains barren due to the dragon's destruction. The rugged terrain adds to the city's isolated and desolate atmosphere.

Natural Resources

Before its destruction, Surum's natural resources included fertile farmlands and access to freshwater sources. Now, it serves as a cautionary tale and a reminder of the dragon's power.

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