The Creatures of the Deep Organization in Sarazi | World Anvil
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The Creatures of the Deep

Not much is known about The Creatures of the Deep. One day they were unleashed onto Enzkland and ever since they have been wandering its lands, maiming and killing all that they see. They seem to hold no loyalty to anyone or anything and have even been sighted killing one another on multiple occasions. No one knows where they came from or how to control them. the only advice anyone can say about them is to stay away, far away. 


The history of the Creatures of the Deep remains shrouded in mystery, their origins and purpose unknown. According to old texts and oral traditions, these eldritch-like beings were unleashed upon Enzkland during the cataclysmic event known as the War of Horrors. It is believed that dark forces or forbidden magic were responsible for their emergence, although the exact circumstances and individuals involved remain obscured by the passage of time. Once released, the Creatures of the Deep spread throughout Enzkland, wreaking havoc and devastation in their wake. They displayed no discernible loyalty, indiscriminately attacking and killing anything they encountered, including one another. The absence of a cohesive hierarchy or centralized control over these creatures has further confounded scholars and experts who have attempted to study them. The Creatures of the Deep seem driven by an insatiable instinct to maim and kill, making them a terrifying and unpredictable presence in Enzkland.

Demography and Population

The Creatures of the Deep, being eldritch in nature, do not adhere to conventional demographic patterns. They do not reproduce or multiply like traditional living beings. Instead, their numbers remain relatively constant, as new creatures are rarely sighted. The population of these entities fluctuates based on their encounters with other beings and their own violent interactions with one another. Death is a common occurrence among them, and sightings of deceased or mutilated creatures provide evidence of their ongoing battles for dominance.


Enzkland can be considered the primary territory of the Creatures of the Deep. This desolate region, once a flourishing jungle, has now been transformed into their domain. The creatures roam freely throughout the barren wastelands, mountains, and ravines, claiming it as their own. Their occupation is not a result of forceful conquest or intentional colonization but rather the aftermath of their emergence and subsequent unchecked expansion. The ancestral lands of Enzkland now lie in ruins, with the creatures reigning supreme.

Foreign Relations

The existence of the Creatures of the Deep instills fear and apprehension among neighboring countries. The sight of these eldritch beings roaming Enzkland is enough to dissuade explorers, adventurers, and even raiding parties from crossing its borders. The neighboring countries of Naria, Ozinland, and Murgland regard Enzkland as a forbidden and dangerous realm, avoiding any contact or engagement with the Creatures of the Deep. There is a general consensus to stay far away from Enzkland, considering it a land cursed by these abominable entities.

Mythology & Lore

The mythology surrounding the Creatures of the Deep is fragmented and steeped in ancient legends. Some believe that they are the manifestations of forgotten gods or primordial entities, unleashed as a punishment for the sins of the mortal realm. Others see them as the embodiment of chaos and destruction, a natural force unleashed to restore balance in a world corrupted by mortal endeavors. These interpretations vary across cultures and regions, reflecting the diverse beliefs and interpretations of Enzkland inhabitants.

Divine Origins

The exact origins of the Creatures of the Deep remain a subject of speculation and debate. No concrete evidence or historical records exist to shed light on their true nature or where they come from. Some theories suggest that they are the result of a dark ritual gone awry, while others propose that they were unleashed by a long-forgotten deity. The lack of definitive answers only adds to the mystique and terror surrounding these enigmatic beings, leaving their origins open to interpretation and fueling speculation among scholars and adventurers alike.
Expedition, Military
Alternative Names
Horrors, The Unseen, The Walking Death
The territories under the influence of the Creatures of the Deep are scattered throughout Enzkland. Their presence is felt most prominently in the desolate wastelands, where they have claimed dominion over the ruined landscapes left behind by the The War of Horrors. Caverns, hidden lairs, and labyrinthine networks of tunnels deep beneath the surface are rumored to be their dwelling places, providing them shelter and a vantage point from which to launch their attacks.


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