The War of Horrors Military Conflict in Sarazi | World Anvil
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The War of Horrors

The Conflict


Before this war started Blanth was roaming his jungle, in the land now know as Enzkland, when he noticed plums of smoke rising from the eastern part of the jungle near the sea. Instantly he ran towards the rising smoke to figure out what was going on when he came upon a group of about 12 Warforged burning the forest. Blanth took out his four magic swords, ran at them, and cut through them all without breaking a sweat. Looking at where they came from he saw a horde of ships on the shore, with more troves of warforged pouring out of them carrying extremely large black containers onto the beachfront. Seeing this Blanth ran back deeper into the forest to warm his tribe about the looming threat, and to ask his rival tribe leader Gaun-Yu to unite in order to save their jungle.


The battlefield where Blanth and Gaun-Yu's tribes confronted the unknown force was a stretch of land on the eastern edge of the jungle, near the shore. It was a chaotic battleground, with the remnants of the burned forest providing some cover for the tribes. The terrain was rugged, with dense foliage and tangled undergrowth making maneuvering difficult for both sides.


The battle took place under the scorching sun, with the heat of the jungle amplifying the intensity of the conflict. The air was thick with smoke from the burning forest, obscuring visibility and adding an eerie atmosphere to the battlefield. The ground was littered with debris, fallen trees, and the charred remains of the warforged, creating obstacles and hazards for both sides.

The Engagement

Blanth and Gaun-Yu united their massive tribes and met up on the border of where the jungle had been burned, by now these new attackers had destroyed nearly a third of the jungle. Lining up at the edge of the jungle the two united tribes charged the enemy and went to battle. This first battle was swift and left a huge chunk of the invading force destroyed instilling confidence in Blanth and Gaun-Yu. Over the next few months, Blanth and Gaun-Yu led many battles against this unknown force. Battle after battle the inhabitants of the jungle fought back the invaders but a seemingly endless wave of war forged kept coming. Eventually, the tribes decided they needed to attack them on the shore where they made their encampments and take them out completely. Once again Blanth and Gaun-Yu led the charge attacking the warforged completely unexpected. Deep into this battle, the warforged were losing dramatically, and eventually, all but the leader was destroyed. Blanth and Gaun-Yu stood over this warforged extremely damaged body and demanded he tells them where he came from. Without a word, the warforged put the tips of his fingers together and all the large black crates surrounding them opened. Instantly The Creatures of the Deep  emerged from the crates and the slaughter begun. Blanth and Gaun-Yu tried to fight them back but they proved too much, taking the few survivors they could they ran back through the jungle and over the mountain range, leaving the eastern side of the jungle to be consumed by the abominations.


In the short term, the battle against the unknown force resulted in a significant victory for Blanth and Gaun-Yu's tribes. They successfully repelled the warforged and eliminated the entire force, leaving only the leader alive. However before he died, he forced the emergence of The Creatures of the Deep and their subsequent rampage shifted the tides, forcing the tribes into a hasty retreat.


The War of Horrors had devastating consequences for Ozinland. The once lush and vibrant jungle was reduced to a barren wasteland, scarred by fire and consumed by The Creatures of the Deep. Ozinland split and created Enzkland a desolate and treacherous landscape, populated by abominations and shunned by most sane individuals. The surviving tribes of the jungle relocated entirely to the remnants of Ozinland, attempting to rebuild their lives and protect their newfound territory. The Creatures of the Deep were also released onto the land. 


Despite their valiant efforts, Blanth and Gaun-Yu's tribes were unable to completely repel the invading force. The relentless onslaught of the warforged and the emergence of The Creatures of the Deep proved overwhelming. Recognizing the dire situation, the tribes made the difficult decision to abandon the eastern part of the jungle and retreat to what remained of Ozinland. This retreat marked the beginning of the division between Ozinland and Enzkland as separate countries.

Historical Significance

The War of Horrors marked a turning point in the history of Enzkland and Ozinland. Prior to the conflict, the two regions were a unified land known as Ozinland, a lush and thriving jungle. The war brought about the division of the land, with Enzkland transforming into a nightmarish wasteland while Ozinland remained as the remnants of the jungle. The event became a somber chapter in the collective memory of the tribes, forever altering their lives and the course of their civilizations.

Technological Advancement

The unknown force that attacked the jungle brought with them advanced technology in the form of the warforged. These mechanical beings possessed formidable combat abilities, wielding weapons and displaying a level of coordination that was initially overwhelming. Their black containers, capable of holding The Creatures of the Deep, showcased the power and ingenuity of their creators.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type


Blanth and Gaun-Yu's Tribes


Blanth and Gaun-Yu's tribes were formidable forces within the jungle, consisting of skilled warriors, hunters, and mystics. Blanth's tribe, known for their ferocity and Blanth's own mastery of magic-infused swords, brought devastating offensive capabilities. Gaun-Yu's tribe, with their agility and dual-bladed swordsmanship, excelled in swift and precise strikes. Together, the tribes combined their strengths and numbers, presenting a significant united front.
The unknown warforged force seemed virtually limitless in strength thanks to The Creatures of the Deep, their numbers were strong. They possessed advanced combat capabilities, including superior strength, agility, and resilience. Individually, the warforged were formidable opponents, their metallic bodies and ruthless efficiency making them formidable foes.


The War of Horrors took a heavy toll on both tribes, with casualties reaching nearly 50% of their combined forces. The losses were felt deeply within the tribes, impacting families, traditions, and the overall strength of their societies. The survivors carried the weight of their fallen brethren, their spirits tempered by the horrors they witnessed.
Despite their initial overwhelming strength, the unknown warforged suffered total annihilation at the hands of Blanth and Gaun-Yu's united tribes. The battle took a heavy toll on their forces, leaving none alive except for The Creatures of the Deep. The destruction of their army was a testament to the tribes' resilience and skill in combat.


Blanth and Gaun-Yu's tribes shared a common objective: to protect their jungle home and repel the unknown attackers. Their fight was driven by a deep sense of loyalty to their land, a determination to preserve their way of life, and a desire to uncover the truth behind the invasion. They fought with a fierce determination, driven by the need to safeguard their people and restore peace to their once flourishing domain.
The objectives of the unknown warforged remained shrouded in mystery. Their attack on the jungle and subsequent deployment of The Creatures of the Deep suggested a desire for destruction and chaos. Whether driven by a sinister agenda or acting as pawns in a larger scheme, the true purpose of the warforged force remained unknown to Blanth, Gaun-Yu, and their tribes.


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