The Mur Ministry Organization in Sarazi | World Anvil
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The Mur Ministry

A group of people elected from all the major villages to rule over Murgland and watch over her interests. The Ministry consists of one representative from the village of Frenin, two from both Edertal and Negan, one from Heim and Sel, two from the port city of Mahi, one from Sesen and one from mahldinhau. These representatives are elected from these cities by their inhabitants every 2 years and most of the time they don’t seem to change. 


All members of the Mur ministry are supposed to be considered equal, however there is a sense of seniority when it comes to the older members.

Public Agenda

The ministry cares mainly about Murgland  itself but also tends to dabble in foreign relations, However they are not very adept at this.


The mur ministry is where the country taxes go, they decide where and how to spend them however they posses no military and each city/village is only protected by their personal city guards.


The mur ministry was formed when Murgland first became an official country and has ruled over it ever since.
Governmental, Ministry
Legislative Body
All members of the mur ministry take part in writing the laws and rules that make Murgland Function
Parent Organization


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