Vistium Settlement in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Vistium, found in the far west of Naria, below Raurum, acts as an outpost on the border of Ozinland. It was initially established to fend off attacks from Ozinland before Naria declared an end to raiding.


Vistium is a small village inhabited primarily by orcs, with a few traders and travelers passing through from Ozinland.

Industry & Trade

The village's economy is minimal, relying mainly on the trade of basic goods with Ozinland.


Vistium's infrastructure consists of basic houses and a small outpost to monitor the border with Ozinland.


Vistium's main assets are its strategic position near the border with Ozinland, making it a critical outpost for guarding against potential threats.


Vistium was established as a border outpost to protect Naria from potential attacks from Ozinland. But since peace was made it has been mostly retired from this role.

Points of interest

The village's watchtower offers a commanding view of the border with Ozinland and is a point of pride for its inhabitants.


Vistium is located in the far west of Naria , directly on the border with Ozinland.

Natural Resources

The village's natural resources are meager, but its strategic location makes it a vital part of Naria's defenses.

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