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Confined to a narrow and desolate piece of grassland between the western saltmarsh and the The Rim, the Zunthiri (formerly known as the Zunthr) were perhaps the most aggressive of the tribes, but also the smallest, with only 25 combat-ready individuals.   They are an offshoot of the split from the Hundri, specifically the side that was predominantly advocating for domination and subjugation against the other tribes. Now, with their low numbers, they are not a huge threat to any tribe, however still something to keep an eye on.   They display a strong resentment for the Hundri in particular for their choice to remain passive. Oftentimes they would raid the Kollin for supplies if they wandered too close to the western saltmarshes. The Zunthr occasionally crossed over into territory outside their borders to gather resources that they cannot gain within their own. The land is just fertile enough to support the tribe through hunting-gathering practices, however if the Zunthr are to grow, they must expand their reach to the north.   With the rise of the First Radiants, two of which were from the Zunthr tribe, Olen, the leader of the tribe began to put into action a reunification of the Hundri. Some believe that this was spurred by the sudden rise in hostilities between the Derashi and Zunthr. Fearing that they would be overwhelmed by the sheer numbers, some believe that Olen held council with Trinn to reunite the tribes.   With the wounding of Olen, this ultimately came to pass, much to the dismay of Garth. While the First Radiants continued their quest for the remaining god shards, Olen and Trinn gathered the remaining two tribes, the Kollin and Collga. With some resistance, much of it quelled with Trinn's help, the other two tribes eventually came to agreement to meet at the base of the Peak. Following this, the Battle of the Peak took place, the eventual unification of all of the tribes took place, and Luthal was founded.   

After the Battle of the Peak

  Some Zunthr were unhappy about this union and so under Garth's leadership departed to live once again in the Zunthr lands alongside him. The Zunthr continued to raid and pillage occasionally to sustain themselves for several generations afterwards. The newly renamed Zunthiri grew in numbers as raids became more successful and new methods of producing food and weaponry were discovered or stolen from the surrounding areas, expanding from a tribe to a officially recognized village in the approximate year 321. Around this time, the number of attacks dwindled and an uneasy peace settle in, but there were still the occasional skirmishes and raids every few years.   Is was after one of these raids that the militia of Luthal finally retaliated. In the approximate year of 587 a force of Luthalan warriors discovered an entire village of farmers slaughtered, their crops and livestock stolen, an act far more bloody than the any taken in the last several years. Calling for action and retribution, especially from the families of the victims, the elders of Luthal sent a force that far outnumbered the Zunthiri and subdued the whole village after a brief but bloody conflict. The Zunthiri were completely outmatched and forced to host a detachment of Luthalan militia, placing the village firmly under Luthalan control, much to the dismay of many who were vocally against Luthal.   Dissent was strictly punished by order of the elders of Luthal. Present day, the village of the Zunthiri remains a part of Luthalan territory, though some within the Zunthiri still look towards a day when they are out from underneath their thumb once again.

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