

Gaston was once a tall, muscular, paragon of a man. Nearly six feet tall, and packed with muscle, he has withered with age. But the mind he neglected in his vital youth is now as sharp a tool as his young muscles were blunt ones. He is still a striking man, but resentful of beautiful women. He hates all creatures of the woods and hills, superstitions of any sort, and all fairytales.

But that fits as he was part of one.

Gaston is that Gaston. The one we know and love. The one who uses antlers in all of his decorating. The Belle et le Bete story is true. But not fully what you expect.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gaston was a Norman, a Frenchman. Once, he was a powerful, skilled hunter and war hero who saved his small village. Beloved and renowned, he had his pick of women and his praises were sung in the taproom.

As the story goes, he went to rescue "his" Belle from the Beast. Beaten during the fighting, he fell from atop the parapets of the crumbling castle and through the thorn hedge that grew around it, separating it from the forest. The thorns tore him, but the ground broke him.

Gaston was found by what few of his people escaped the disappearing castle, his body broken, unconscious and no longer bleeding, and he was buried in a forgotten hillside grave. Truthfully though, he lived still. The thing that chose that same grave as its resting site rose holding the broken body of the would-be Hero. The frantic Gaston, who feared being buried alive and forgotten the most, was fed the Blood as an act of selfish kindness by the monster who held him. The thing wanted a servant, and this broken hunter would do.

The Blood repaired his body, and time healed the mind. For well more than a century Gaston has served the Vampire and its ilk; standing vigil over monsters and watching as people forgot his story, forgot him. His life and the stolen girl and Bestial Prince became a fairy tale told to children. But Gaston was forbidden from going back, from telling the truth of it. Even as the Bestial Prince of Summer returned to the village, again and again and again to steal away beauties.


Gaston is self-educated beyond his undead master teaching him to read. After he learned to read, he spent his days reading and tending to the remains of his home.


Gaston is a servant and guard to a Dynasty of Vampires. One Awake whom he serves as manservant, and Two Asleep, to whom he is a loyal custodian. The di Milano family pays him well, in food and shelter whenever they have it, and keep him supplied with the Blood that has kept him alive for two centuries already.


Emma Valgard


Towards Gaston




Towards Emma Valgard


Gaston is a Frenchman, though hardened and cynical, and was a Ghoul to a cruel Dynastic House before Emma saved him.

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