di Milano

A family of Galloi vampires. Their roots go back to the Roman occupation of Gaul, but the modern "family" has always been residents of Italy, before the 1920's and the rise of fascism in Italy made hunting and feeding harder. Their emigration to the United States and the eventual settling in Chicago seemed like the best move at the time, and gave them four decades of unprecedented power and wealth. But it proved to be as poor a decision as the Embrace of William into their Bloodline. Since the uprising in 1971 the surviving three "family" members have been constantly tormented by the continual torpor and waking cycle of their imprisoned relatives. And the Prince has threatened to deliver the Final Death to them should they flee the City.


In the Late Medieval Period, the main branch of the "family" was a Dynastic House in France, settled in the castle of the Duke of Luynes. In the mid-16th century the family suffered a setback of immense proportions, as the peasants they ruled revolted and burned the Vampire ruling them at the stake as a sorceror, delivering the Final Death unwittingly. They then burned down the entire home and left it all in ashes. From this the balance of power in the Galloi Bloodline (which was only held by this Dynastic House and a few others, at the time) shifted from the French branch to the Italian cadet branch of the Bloodline and the di Milano family came into power.

Founding Date
Political, Family
Family Leader
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