
Sired ages ago in Babylon, the Akhud are little more than a myth to modern Kindred: a failed clan that died out in an orgy of bloodshed. When the Lancea’s priests dare speak of them, they make the fallen clan a lesson in obedience. The Akhud were wicked and God punished them for their sins, cursing them to madness in His judgment. Other covenants take a more pragmatic approach to these legends, viewing the Akhud as a rationale for the Traditions. These were the doubly-Damned. They flaunted their monstrosity, Embraced indiscriminately, and diablerized each other for want of human prey. If any Akhud remain, they’re not Kindred at all, but diabolical boogeymen who want to destroy the Kindred to save themselves.

If the Akhud can confirm or deny any of these legends, they haven’t done so. Better to let the rest of the dead think you’re just a bedtime story, especially when you really are out to get them.

Clan Bane: The Curse of Five

Though few remain, the blood oath of the Akhud is as potent as ever, forming the basis of the clan’s bane. Whenever an Akhud would knowingly take an action that would harm another Akhud, it takes a dice penalty equal to (10 – his Humanity) divided by two, rounded up. If the pool is reduced to a chance die, he automatically experiences a dramatic failure. No compulsion, natural or otherwise, can force him to take such an action; a blessing in some circumstances, but a disaster in others. This bane extends along lines of shared blood; the oath also protects the Akhud’s mortal descendants and anyone in Vinculum with him from both him and his kin.

Favored Attributes: Strength or Wits

Disciplines: Celerity, Obfuscate, Praestantia

Genetic Ancestor(s)


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