
Once, the Mikhaili were the undisputed rulers of Siberia’s nights, preying upon its people from the shadows. Their numbers were never high, but their blood ran strong, and they had many mighty elders among them. Then, one night, the Gangrel arrived from the south and east. Their numbers were many, and they overwhelmed and displaced the Winter Kings.

The Mikhaili, desperate, began to Embrace en masse, hoping to match numbers to numbers. And so the mighty Winter Kings spread their blood thin and wide, and only too late did they realize how their power had weakened. They tried to wipe out their new progeny to regain their blood, but the eldest had squandered their blood and grown weak, and Mikhaili blood had grown so thin that diablerie itself brought them nothing.

And so, the Gangrel slaughtered the Winter Kings down to the last one, and that one fled and started a new clan, debased and powerless though it was. But occasionally, when a Gangrel whose blood ancestors partook in Mikhaili souls gives rise to a revenant, that blood still resurfaces, and the shadows of that old power stir once more.

Nickname: Winter Kings

Clan Bane: The Sun Curse

The glare of arctic nights has crystallized in blood of those few Mikhaili still near Siberia and the Arctic, and the summer is as anathema as day itself even south of the polar circle. Every spring equinox, you fall into a deep state of torpor from which nothing can rouse you. Every fall equinox, you rise once more, starved for blood.

Clan Bane: The Barren Curse

The blood of the Mikhaili has been thinned but the crystallized Sun Curse has been removed by the Mikhaili of Victor's Line. However, it comes with a price. If you Embrace, your childer will be revenants.

Favored Attributes: Stamina, Manipulation

Disciplines: Animalism, Fortitude, Bereschligost

Genetic Ancestor(s)
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