
Albert is a fighter. He had so much rage in his heart seeing how his family was treated, how his mother and father were treated differently that he spent his whole life lashing out in defense of his asian father. Now he spends his requiem in defense of his nordic mother, because his Grandsire resents any non-asian being part of her Clan of Vampires. Albert is asian by culture, white by looks, fits nowhere and has nothing but a fight for equality that will last all eternity to look forward to.

Albert, after being raised to Neonate status, began attending college. In 1990, he met the love of his unlife. She made a cold heart beat again, and she was - go figure - asian. Jun was an American-born Chinese girl that Albert met, wooed, dated, and ghouled when she found out the truth. When he could afford it, he took her to the Headhunters to be added to the Meat Market's roster. She's a petite, busty, asian beauty - she got a lot of attention. And Albert played them. He'd take Jun's attention away from them until they paid him to leave. Then when they left and another took their place, he'd go back, fishing for another payout. Tensions were high when she chose him, but they had a solid little nest egg.

Albert has bluntly told Mae that Jun will be his only Childe. Mae did not take it well. It's been a decade and they still aren't talking.

Childe of Gang

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Year of Birth
1960 AD -407 Years old
Aligned Organization


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