Gang (Khang)

Embraced purely for the War for Chicago, Gang is a warrior first and foremost. Bereft of a war to fight, Gang is consistently bored but he is still a Knight of the Invictus and so he trains. Endlessly. For a war that will not come. The epitome of futility, forever. "Sometimes," he thinks, "I'd love to see the sunrise over the water." Intrusive thoughts for a Vampire. Intrusive and dangerous.

Honestly, for the last fifty years or so, he has considered rebuilding the Legio Mortuum from the days of the Camarilla. This time the Legion of the Dead would be a trained vampiric covenant of warriors that isn't so mercenary that it would kill it's own or work against its own goals for money, but rather be a military trained vampiric fighting force capable of defending the City against any threat. Even the Strix.

He has been pressured to build a family by his Sire, Mae. His response is not the love 'em and leave 'em way of disposable spouses, instead he ghouled his mortal love from when he was human and brought her in as first Mae's blood doll, then his ghoul, then his wife. You see, Gang is as calculating as his sisters but far more laconic, being bored as he is with undeath.

His dhampyr children carry his martial bent, and all have served in the military. Most were stationed overseas and Gang kept in touch via letters. Some things weren't well communicated and there is more than one interracial relationship in his line. While he has no more fucks to give, this "mixing" is unacceptable to Mae. But his children are happy and so Gang stands between his elder Sire and his daughters-in-law. Just to spite her, he has chosen three of his grandchildren, regardless of race, to be his Childer. As to who he Embraced and why, Gang is very open.

Most recently, in 2010, he Embraced his grandson Daniel while he already had a Fledgling Childe. This practice is rare but not overtly unusual if one has the resources. Gang did this unusual act to stop any maneuvering by his Sire against the child after Daniel declared he'd rather be a she named Danielle. The Embrace made it vastly more difficult to transition but stopped Mae's outrage. Daniel is disquieted but is assured that Gang has a plan for them.

In 1990 Gang embraced Erin. She's beautiful, smart, cunning, and everything he might want in a daughter. So far all of his Dhampyr children have been boys. Erin had been his shot for a daughter and a reprieve from constant training for an imagined war.

Back in 1960, Gang embraced a grandchild of his first son that had been getting into violent streetfights. Albert was a typical white-boy and a nazi's wet dream for the aryan race. But he spoke Korean, had a heavy accent from growing up on a base near the DMZ where Gang's son had been stationed. Albert Jiang hated the word "gook" and fought anyone who said it - kids, teachers, adults, anyone. Gang absconded with him from the hospital and let his son know that Albert would cared for and taught how to be a warrior. The family rejoiced at the call, as Albert went to live with his honored grandfather. Gang pities anyone who uses racist terms in Albert's presence now...pities, and mourns.

Year of Birth
1920 AD -367 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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