Native Phantoms

The Jiang-Shi "native" to Chicagoland are the descendants of Mae, a single "oriental" vampire that the First Estate of early Chicago held as a "blood-pet". Mae is no tame creature to be anyone's pet and on the night of the Great Fire she destroyed the Invictus vampires that held her and took over their networks. Mae is the Chicagoland Invictus, now.

Obviously this means that Mae doesn't accept usurpers. Immigrant and Unclaimed Jiang-shi either fall into line as adopted branch families or are moved back to wherever they came from, forcibly if necessary. Mae does not recognize any Jiang-shi as being legitimately older or more powerful than her.


The Jiang-Shi of Chicagoland are organized very differently than in other demesnes, with the most important difference being the focus on family. The Jiang-shi Clan is not Chinese, Japanese, or Korean, but predates all of them. Mae was born in China but has tied herself to her Clan more than anything else, and has adopted an extended family system from Japan and integrated Confucian beliefs on what it means to be family. As a result, Mae has developed an almost cult-like group of families descended from her actual children.

These families owe their lineage to Mei Jiang, an alternate identity of Mae's. Their elders are Dhampyr, and all of her childer come from those branch families, with her line of Vampires being the stem family and her being the eldest that all come to for counsel. This massive group of living descendants do not know she is a Vampire - they think she is a white witch that can grant immortality. But they are her hands in the world, and her childer are spread among the various areas of Chicagoland committed to building their own series of branch families to be their hands and, to a lesser extent, hers. They each maintain an alternate identity as well, as part of the Jiang family.

Foreign Relations

Political, Family
Family Leader
Parent Organization
Related Species


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