Bai (Bye)

Bai was Embraced in 1910, and for the past century she struggles. Haunted by the death of her best friend, a sweet jewish girl who also lived in the Chicago ghetto. Bai misses the girl, and dreads every halloween. Every year she sits, spending her death-day sitting near the grave of the girl who died too soon, and whose sacrifice saved Bai's life and caused it to end.

On the day she died, she and Edith were walking down and alley and witnessed a man being beaten. When Bai squeaked and tried to hide, the men drew a gun and shot at the two girls. Edith spun in front of Bai and was shot in the back. Mei Jiang, Bai's grandmother lived nearby down that alley, and so that is where Bai half-dragged Edith. On the scent and taste of the blood in the air, Bai's grandmother lifted the girl to the table like it was nothing and drained Edith's blood, while a sinister, dark-haired man held her back. Bai still doesn't recall the quiet conversation between her grandmother and the sinister man, but they talked. They talked as Edith died, her hand stretched out to Bai, just out of reach and held there by that sinister, dark man. Then Bai watched her grandmother move, and felt a numbing cold like the chill of the grave. The world went dark. When Bai woke up, it was the night of November 1st.

Then, and only then, was everything revealed...and Bai wished it wasn't. Bai wished for Edith, for her friend, for her nightmare to end. And every Halloween that wound is tore open fresh, because Bai sees ghosts. Only Mae knows. It's why Bai is the only Jiang-shi to join the Ordo Dracul. And even though it's been a century, Bai hasn't forgiven Hiram for holding her back. That's why she doesn't share her findings on the rare Coil she spontaneously manifested, the Coil of Zirnitra.

Second Childe of Mae

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Year of Birth
1910 AD -357 Years old
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