Embraced in 2000 by the ever-studious academic Emily, the first childe Charlie. Now Brittany stands as the lowest of the elite, and she revels in the social power she can wield in her Sire and Grandsire's names.
Brittany's story is classically tragic - grew up suburban poor, had a bad home life, still has daddy issues, failed in highschool, got a fake modeling gig and moved to Kansas City only to be kidnapped and trafficked into a prostitution ring in Chicago. Headhunters found a lot of pretty blondes in 2000, and Brittany was just one of the crowd. She didn't garner much attention and was bought without fanfare or competition, which was good for Emily who had most of her resources tied into her experiments and mysteries.
It's been a decade since Brittany was Embraced and she has done as much as she can to become a social predator and never be a victim again. Thanks to Brittany's style of "parenting," Brittany is still unaffected by the Lonely Curse.
Childe of Emily
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