Chicagoland Nosferatu

While the Nosferatu are present world-wide, and many bloodlines are known, not all are present in the metropolitan Princedom of Chicagoland. Unlike many other cities, Chicago is a welcoming place for most Worms, and Chitown Nosferatu usually prefer the term "Haunt" to their other names. Nosferatu have a reputation for getting shit done in Chicagoland, and given that the Prince is a Haunt - and a "lead-by-example" type of Prince - that reputation is deserved. Even the Werewolves respect Nosferatu here in Chiraq, and tend to apologize if they've pissed you off. That's more than any others get anywhere, including here.

There are actually three factions among the Vampires of Chicagoland, and they are present in the Nosferatu as well. Their politics and views are vastly different, but the dominant viewpoint is that of the majority - The Unclaimed.

As to Bloodlines, those are carefully monitored and logged - the Prince loves to keep records. At current, nine bloodlines are present in the Nosferatu Clan of Chicagoland, all of which are listed in the Sidebar.

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