Native Haunts

Native Nosferatu are the just those from the bloodline of Hiram, and have a rather egalitarian view of politics. They fight to have the Clan be as meritocratic as possible. Those who are the best, not the oldest nor most monstrous, lead - that's their view. According to them, advancement would be as easy as self-improvement. The Clan should be led by anyone who can use all of their abilities to best the current leader, they argue. But there are those opposed to this method of governance, namely the Immigrant and Unclaimed Nosferatu.


The Native Haunts are a tight-knit group that compete to better rather than replace each other. Their beasts don't often see friendliness in the competition, causing friction and a lot of impromptu violence. Hiram encourages control and dueling as a means of dealing with this.

Public Agenda

The Haunts take care business. When a Vampire has a problem, they come to the Haunts. When there is violence or hate taking place, the Haunts are the scary sumbitches who end it. They are your biggest, scariest, and best friends - provided you obey the law. Step one toe outside the lines and watch in horror as you realize why nobody fucks with the Haunts' Chicago.

Foreign Relations

Founding Date
Political, Family
Family Leader
Parent Organization
Related Species
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