Immigrant Nosferatu
The Immigrant Nosferatu are a collection of Kindred Lineages from across the Old World. Mostly, these Immigrant Nosferatu want the Princedom of Chicagoland to be governed more like the Princedoms they came from, with improvements in their favor. Notably, they want to be in power, and focus their attentions on pushing out the other supernatural beings, thereby gaining their resources and power base.
There are twenty (20) Immigrant Nosferatu in Chicago, discounting the five of the Galloi in enforced Torpor. Only the active are counted today, and best represented are those who choose to gather in the aforementioned family groups. There are singular individuals who prefer to remain alone, listed later. The total number are split among nine (9) lineages.
Public Agenda
While they tend to have the more European views, their most predominant is one wherein the Eldest rule the Clan. While this is not necessarily reflected in the Elder or Methuselah's blood, they argue that age has its benefits. Elder Vampires are rooted in webs of influence that extend beyond a City. Their blood and Beasts are often more powerful, the Immigrants contend. By allowing younger Worms to rule the Clan, these vampires claim, one opens the Necropolis to feuding factionalism. But, they conclude, no one wants to try to rebel against an elder and become their dinner!
Realistically, they know they won't get that, though. So they have largely settled for curbing the Native's power and setting their eldest on the Throne.
Initially wealthy, the Immigrant Nosferatu built a power base for themselves only to find their resources spreading thinner as more Nosferatu from across the seas found their way to the Second City. However, they have always thanked their lucky fortune and good timing that they aren't splitting scraps like the mass of Unclaimed are.
Formed in 1930, there were originally only two Immigrant Nosferatu. Both arrived during the War for Chicago and took no part, retreating outside the City until the War ended in 1929. In 1930, an accord was reached and the two opted to stay and be part of it.