Emma Valgard

  • Revelations in The Chronicle of Emma Valgard
  • Chapter One in The Chronicle of Emma Valgard
  • Born on the day that Charles V sacked by Rome, May 6th 1527. Word didn't reach Iceland for months after the battle that it had even happened, but the fight marked the end of an era for the world and the start of Emma's Era.

    Social Backstory

    Breaking Points

    Emma was born in 1527 and died in 1546 at nearly 20 years old. She ran away in 1544 at 17 years old rather than marry a man she did not love. For the next two years she traveled and joined the navy. These were her breaking points from that time period, prior to any gameplay changes.

  • What is the worst thing Emma has ever done?
  • Running away from her family and duty to marry. It was impulsive and reckless and her father may never forgive her.

  • What is the worst thing Emma can imagine herself doing?
  • Killing in defense of her life or her family.

  • What is the worst thing Emma can imagine someone else doing?
  • Blind zealotry. To act in the name of religion without thinking about what you are doing is the worst thing in the world.

  • What has Emma forgotten?
  • She's forgotten that she's lived all this before.

  • What is the most traumatic thing that has ever happened to Emma?
  • The deaths of her mother and siblings.

    Updated Breaking Points

    During human gameplay, Emma experienced many hardships. The following are breaking points she tested for during that period.

  • Actions
  • She has killed in defense of her life, the livelihood of her family, and the lives of the crew she served.

  • Traumas
  • The Italian wars. She saw death on both sides, as well as many other terrible acts that she may have blocked out from her memory and so forgotten.

  • Imagine
  • She now believes that senseless killing is the worst crime, and while she may have seen examples of others committing this act, she could never see herself doing so.


    Her first children, twin boys, were named Bjorn and Benjamin.


    Jormundur Valgard

    Older Brother

    Towards Emma Valgard


    Emma Valgard

    Younger Sister

    Towards Jormundur Valgard


    Date of Birth
    5th of January, 1527
    Date of Death
    25th of September, 1546
    1527 AD 1546 AD 19 years old
    Stokkseyrri, Iceland
    Place of Death
    Hampton Court Palace
    Jormundur Valgard (Older Brother)
    Aligned Organization


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