
Jasper is a mortal descendant of Iesha and a relationship she had in the early 1900's. His family survived (barely) and he got to go to college, where he studied science and medicine. While he was pre-med, during his lighter summer semesters in 1980, he met his great grandmother Iesha. In front of the same flowershop where she had met her secret lover and began affair that created his entire family line. And he recognized her.

He became obsessed. How could she still be alive? How could genetics recombine to create a twin? He stalked her. He hunted for her. But she was Khaibit. She knew he was close to breaching the Masquerade, but she could not kill him. So she spoke to her Sire. Cyrus loved the idea of Embracing Jasper. He immediately called the Headhunters and ordered him taken. Surprisingly, the nerd didn't go quietly and ended up being injured. While held in captivity he called for Iesha and made quite a fuss until she and Cyrus visited him and took him aside, healing him with Iesha's vitae, and explained everything to the boy. When the Meat Market came he chose Cyrus, as Iesha wanted him to.

Now Jasper has become a fledgling and joined the Jaliniyya to study vampirism and continue his studies of medicine. Like his Sire, he holds sway in two covenants, and has the dubious honor of being counted a Night Doctor among the Carthians.

Fourth Childe of Cyrus

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Year of Birth
1980 AD -427 Years old
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