The Longest Night

General Summary

Tess Norton
  • time-slipped into this world, has no background or roots here.
  • arrested for vagrancy and is grateful to not sleep in the streets.
  • Makayla Clark
  • time-slipped to this world.
  • Only remembers recovering from cancer and is suddenly four years older and in a place where nothing is as she remembers.
  • Taken in on a 72 hour psychiatric hold.
  • Zoe Morgan
  • time-slipped to this world. Is no longer a Dhampyr...
  • Arrested for identity theft and attempted bank fraud.
  • Olivia Turner
  • Five years after the events of The Sleepover Report.
  • Hired P.I. thinks that he found Ryeleigh Smith.
  • Did research into the P.I.'s security cam footage: Ryeleigh hasn't aged a day - either it's fake or something strange is happening.
  • Cheyenne Rogers
  • Five years after the events of The Sleepover Report.
  • Works at animal clinic as vet's assistant. Strange dog comes in, stronger than physically possible, possibly rabid.
  • Test show dog is not right. something supernatural is going on.
  • Kendall Howe
  • Four years after the events of The Breach Report.
  • -
    Report Date
    29 Oct 2023


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