The Pit

The Pit is an infrastructure built deep under Chicago. While the coal tunnels under the city run in straight lines, there are tunnels hidden beneath those that do not. In these hidden tunnels is a network in the arcane sigil of The Consilium of Chicagoland, a pentagram within a pentagon, encircled in a double line with each point having another circle and a second circle within them. The lines of power are the flows of strange energy and the piping that contains it is pure Apeiron.

Purpose / Function

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The Pit was built to contain the five Demons that held the pacts that keep Chicagoland off the God-Machine's radar. Trapped within the Pit, along with the Angelic Sword sent to destroy the City and its founder, the Destroyer Angel's connections to the God-Machine remained with enough flowing Primum to ensure that the God Machine believed it to be restoring order and going about its mission.

Alternative Names
The Workshop
Owning Organization
Related Report (Primary Locations)


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