Quarantined Report

General Summary

The Towers Cabal is tasked, like all mages of The Consilium of Chicagoland, to find out why Mana has stopped flowing into Chicago. They get further than anyone else, discovering the Time Barrier that isolates Chicago, and the deleterious effects on Awakened who pass through it. They discovered that Mana was still produced in the City but the Ley Lines to the outside had somehow shifted and were no longer connected. Following the age of the barrier, they used Hiram as their anchor and followed his ties to the oldest Mage cabal who could have created it, The Chicago School, to their hidden Sanctum.

Once in The Pit, Myndavel was Blinded because he used Prime Mage Sight and warned the others. Because of his sacrifice they were able to investigate using more mundane means and avoided the Prime lens. Myndavel however, was relegated to Matter Sight, and discovered that every element of the Pit was made of Perfected materials. His obsession with perfected materials deepened, and he gained an urge to seek out the Chicago Schools legacy. Within the Pit they met Manny Spellman who helped them get deeper into the Pit before leaving.

At the Pit's center they encountered the trapped Angel who powered the Time Barrier. The Towers Cabal freed the Angel, creating a massive magical explosion that somehow left Chicago intact but destroyed the Time Barrier and caused a Temporal Wave that crashed against Reality and altered both. The three Mages found themselves stripped of their Shadow Names and back on the streets of an unfamiliar Chicago, fighting to keep their souls Awakened and not succumb to the Sleeping Curse. Each Mage fought to somehow "re-Awaken" or keep their power. In the process they took new Shadow Names and their old names and personas were wiped away.

The Temporal Wave created a set of changes, many as yet undiscovered, the main change is that suddenly time has been set back to May of 2019 instead of being January 2020 as expected.

Rewards Granted

3 Mundane XP and 2 Arcane XP was awarded to each character. In addition the character are refunded the XP associated with their prior Shadow Names.

Missions/Quests Completed

  1. The Lonely City
  2. Cut Off!
  3. Just a Matter of Time
  4. The Pit of Despair

Character(s) interacted with

Apollyon and Adar Kehman and Manny Spellman.
Report Date
19 Feb 2024
Primary Location


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