Xiu (Zh-oo)

Xiu is the first grandchild of Mei Jiang, a chinese immigrant in Chicago. Her father was an absent dad, her mother raised her on a maid's wage in a shack in Illinois. When Xiu met her grandmother Mei Jiang, who actually was Mae of the Jiang-Shi, in 1880 at twenty years old, everything changed. Xiu was alone, working as a maid to an abusive white woman whose riches allowed her an exotic maid. Mei Jiang changed all of that with the sacrifice of a sheltered young man who actually said that he would gladly give his life to help Xiu out of her horrid situation. He did, but not in the way he expected. Xiu never knew the details until much later.

During that first Meat Market, Xiu was bought ahead of the auction. That night they began the ritual that would change everything. Hiram's headhunters took the man that night and his blood and heart were extracted. The ritual took time and was painful, as two people died that day. But Xiu rose again as the firstborn Childe of Mae, leader of the Chicagoland Jiang-Shi.

Since that night, Xiu has accomplished much: she has birthed her own Dhampyr children, founded three families of asian immigrants by her dhampyr sons, and managed those families carefully, all while building an enviable business portfolio through those same sons. In 1920 her first Childe, one of her grandsons, was Embraced because Chicago was under attack. In 1950 she bought another Embrace the same night her first-sired became a Neonate, a first in Chicago.

In 1980 and 2010 she did it again. Her prolific Embraces for her age make her noteworthy. Her web of contacts and allies is what makes her dangerous. Xiu has never dirtied her hands in the thirteen decades she has been alive. Further, her blood's potency rivals some elders and she wields vinculum and oaths like a surgeon wields scalpels.

First Childe of Mae

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Year of Birth
1880 AD -327 Years old
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