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Due to the widespread influence of the dragonmarked houses across Khorvaire, Common developed into the language of the land. Commerce and diplomacy use Common to communicate on a level basis. It is prevalent and as universal as any language could be across the continent. Common is the primary language of the Five Nations. It is a necessary second language in the Mror Holds and Zilargo, and used extensively even in the Talenta Plains.   Other prominent languages on the continent include Dwarven, Gnomish, Elven, Halfling, Goblin, and Orcish. Scholars and arcanists also study Draconic, the ancient language of dragons and magic.   In Aerenal, the Elven language dominates the land, though Common is retained for trade and diplomatic purposes. The Inspired of Sarlona speak Quori, while the lesser classes speak Riedran, which combines Old Common with a scattering of Quori words and phrases.   The barbarian tribes of Seren and Argonnessen speak a mutated form of Common called Argon, while the dragons speak Draconic and have at least a passing familiarity with the languages of the lesser races.

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Cover image: Magic of Eberron by Wayne Reynolds


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