
Founded in early 1300 Burns Sleep, this settlement became one of the quickest growing in the entirety of the Sword Coast. It paved the way for lesser populated and orc harried towns nearby to grow and expand.


Maknok the Strong is an Orc Pack leader cultivated by Mansoon The Blue and gifted the capability to create Tanaruks. Which lead to his domination and uniting of the scattered Orc Tribes in the Sunset Vale   
  1. Fortified wooden walls & a river crossing midway through the city
  2. Orcs worshipful of demonic entities bolstered by demonic Tanaruks. 

Industry & Trade

  • Shipping and transport
  • Produce
  • Cattle
  • Woodworks


  • Named after Berdusk Orcslayer, a famous adventurer who shattered the last known Pack Leader of orcs in the region. 
Founding Date
1314 Burn's Sleep
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization
Characters in Location