
Mechanics & Inner Workings

Dragnipur was created to seal entities far away from the Material plane (upon a Demi plane eventually called Ciaphon). 7 seals were crafted upon it though all were eventually used.


Created by the combined efforts of Mystra & Bahamut, they created a blade capable of sealing any entity. Mystra was presumed destroyed in this process. It was used by Bahamut to seal away the Crippled God after the Chaining, which was presumed to have shattered Bahamut. 

Over a century later the blade was found again in the hands of Guldos Estelmer who used it in a desperate attempt to banish the demon prince Orcus. This entity proved too powerful for the blade alone to contain. Orcus's additional seal lead to corruption of the blades wielder, the end result was the Panion Seer. With each of his deaths he used the blade to seal the demon prince again and maintain what little control he had left. 

Eventually this bade became the centerpiece of a massive ritual to unbind the seal and pull Orcus back into the material plane. This ritual was stopped, ending in the destruction of Guldos and his soul, as well as a new wielder Ralmevik Ulmokina.
Creation Date
926 Burns Sleep
20 lbs
7 feet