
Herald of Shadow

Goddess of Magic.

Divine Domains

Her power created the weave.


Her herald's blade was Dragnipur.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  • She along with the other heralds fought in the age before Burn's Sleep against The god kings and was a predominant reason why humanoids flourished and survived.
  • She founded one of the Seven Holy Cities of the Seven Cities continent. Namely, Ehrlitan
  • After the fall, her and the other Heralds made the Oath Pact to help protect mortals. The result was the Weave of magic that any mortal can use. This bound the Spiritual Realm and the Cognitive Realm together on the material plane and would be sustained by her life force. 
  1. The eventual spell plague was due to the poison of the fallen ones pain on the material plane. Mystra suffered a mortal wounding during the chaining and subsequent use of her blade to banish the Crippled god. As a result the weave is slowly fading away, the Cognitive and Spiritual realms separating again. 
  • Mystra (Herald of Shadow), and the Herald of Life had 7 daughters together at the beginning of Burn's Sleep who's life helped in sustaining the Oath Pact / Weave. Their Father gave them their titles. 
Divine Classification
Circumstances of Death
Died during the chaining