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Giant stone walls. With towers along every side. The city get higher and higher with every level of districts and each one has a new wall. In the center is a huge Tower called Kings Tower which is the centerpiece of the citadel/palace on the highest level. The walls here are plated with metal to stop invaders.

Industry & Trade

Maybe not the biggest trade city. But still bustling with countless merchants peddling there wares. As well as exporting of fish and wood from the surrounding woodland. They also export large amounts of gold and silver from nearby mines. Import large amounts of moonstone.


The city is built on a hill and as such each district is placed on top of one another. Their are 5 districts. The first district is for residential living. The second is the merchants district. A layer dedicated to buying and selling, this is where you'd find most shops and merchants in the city. The third district is the government level, here is where army barracks are stationed, courts, libraries, schools, ect. The 2nd level is for nobels and the like, it hosts the residences of many of the noble familes and dukes of Eradmoor. The final district is the Royal Palace.

Guilds and Factions

Each district has a different guild in charge of it. There is the Residents guild, the merchants guild, the judicial guild, the nobles, and the king. There are also the City police as well as some crime syndicate that are thought to operate in Wolfgate.


The Capital city of Eradmoor. It is the biggest city in all existence. And perhaps the strongest fortress. Only an insane fool would even contemplate trying to invade this city, which has become a bastion of hope for all that is good in the world. Even the mighty dragons could not break down all its walls. It is the ancestral home of Highking Gideon Windgrace and he still lives there to this day.


Huge buildings of grey stone are common in this city. There are large sections made of wood such as the marketplace and many residential districts. Standing directly to the east lies the massive gate for which the city is named. A large wolf's head lies above the gate keeping an ever watchful eye.


Surrounded by large green fields that act as both farmland and a kill-zone from invading armies. Right along the coast as well. The City itself is built on a hill and each level has a new district.

Natural Resources

Fish, Wood, Grain, Livestock, Gold, Silver.
Alternative Name(s)
The Shining Citadel, The City on the hill
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

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