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Shelling of the Royal Summer Palace

Life, Death

17/9 1327:00

EXTRA, EXTRA, EXTRA! Read all about it! King's Home gutted by the war in a surprise attack! Queen Helaina gravely wounded, and the bodies of two people and two infants found in rubble!
A newspaper boy called on the street corner the headline from the The Nova Tribune

Warfare is horror. On the 17th of Decdas 1522 1.O. at 1327 local time; The King Naele head of the Rose's Faction has first hand knowledge no thanks to the Nightshades Faction. In a brazen act of terror; the traditional summer home of the Royal Family was fired upon by cannons. This attack was according to witnesses a blatant, and unprovoked attack during the resent escalation of hostility between the Roses and the Nightshades Factions in other parts of the nation last week. It was reported in the rubble of the west end of the palace there where the bodies of two servants, and two babies rumored to be of the Royal House. These reports cannot be corroborated at this time by the The Nova Tribune , but we can report that the unit responsible was completely destroyed in the ensuing counterattack and was a unit of fast artillery out of the Nightshade held Colecastle District. See the complete unit casualty list on page 3S5.
As for the Royal House there have been no reports issued by the King's War Office other than this statement; "This act of barbarism will be dealt with in a swift action by the Roses' Armed Forces and all options for peaceful resolve have been revoked. All Nightshade Leaders are now on the Ranger's Top Kill List, all forces are to end their household, with the exception of any staff, serfs, or charges under their house." The War Office Press Officer announced two days after the attack.
Queen Helaina while her injuries are great according to the same Press Officer she is looking to make a recovery but it is unsure how much can be expected from our queen. As for the Crown Prince he is expected to make a full recovery with some minor hearing loss due to the localized shelling. It is in this paper's opinion that the Nightshades need to be tried to the fullest extent of the law. For more on the war turn to page 1S8.

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Royal Summer Palace
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