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Kingdom of Cosha


This nation is broken into many levels of hierarchy and castes. Due to it's hybridization of a Monarchy and a Meritocracy there are still Houses but each individual has their own merit. Each House sends their highest merit holder to become apart of the city council with the potential to move up to the territorial regency, the up to the House of Houses or House of Common's.


Caste Positions;
     Is the highest caste within Cosha Kingdom's borders it is only held by one family at a time who have the support of the people and majority of the Houses but it comes with a steep price if you cause harm to your subjects. The Mad King was beheaded after only five years of his rule, while others lived for their whole life span as King.
Nobles: Most are appointed by the crown due to meritious acts, improvement of the nation, or voted in by the people for the lowest ranks.
    Is a person who is allowed to hold merit, rank, title, and/or lands within the Cosha Kingdom Borders or colonies. Race, creed, or religion are not prerequisites but having the same religion does aid in the process of citizenship.
  Consort; May be a male or female that holds a position of aiding anyone in gaining heirs.
Equerry-Consort; Can also be male or female that hold a position of aiding any other task or job.
       Serf; Is a person that has placed their merit to an estate.
Slave; Is a person that submits their merit to another person for a term or life.

Demography and Population



Main nation is built in on the Isle of Kings, but there are several colonies around the world.


Highly organized, highly trained on a cultural level, and quick to adapt new tech as long as it proves it's worth.

Technological Level

Steam locomotion in many forms, tractors, salt harvesters, and locomotives. Faster than horse communication is just starting, with the telegraph just being invented.


Due to the limited access to groundwater wells, Cosha Kingdom Civil Law 8-1204 requires the collection, holding, redirection, of all rainwaters in cisterns, water catchment earthworks, and any other catchment systems that will delay runoff and recharge groundwaters.
The legal system is also a form of merit based in the fact that the less people affected the lower the penalty. With the exception of murder, political ineptitude, and slavery. Most legal issues are resolved by repayment of the item with restitution based on the amount the act affected the person wronged. The aforementioned exceptions are where restitution gets brutal. The accused must pay, work, and/or take the place of the loss due to the actions caused, this is compounding to the number of people affected. In the case of murder shall be continued until the estimated time that the victim/s natural death based on the average lifespan of the victim from the age they died. It shall be paid to the surviving family from the penal site the accused is sent to. They are fed 2 meals a day and as much water as they can drink. Their food and essentials are taken from their daily wages not to exceed 20%.

Agriculture & Industry

Most of the nation's agriculture is provided by the Farming District. There is a large industrial planning commission that makes sure all industrial processes and factories are placed to maximize space saving while keeping the environment in mind. Iron is a major heavy industry but with the advent of steam power the nation is starting the long process of the steam age.

Trade & Transport

Ships and trains are the primary bulk carriers for the nation, but there is an extensive road network between locations.


Aquaducts, Sewage, Road networks, train stations, castles, border towers, bridges, locks, town courts/halls, palaces, forts, lighthouses, large shipbuilding capabilities, mines, and many other things.
Coinage System;
All currency for Cosha Kingdom is backed by the global weight of salt, and the production capacity of the nation. The monetary and weight system is based on a set volume of salt. It is call a Pound and there is a coinage equivalent for one pound of salt that has a pile of salt on the back. 25 pounds is called 25 pound note, but everyone calls it a Three'r due to it's three salt piles on the back of the original brass coin now most are green leaded glass coins. A simular process of naming for the 50 pound, but it is called a Five'r. 100 pounds is called a Pound Sterling and is represented by a silver coin with a quarter cask on the back. A Gold Sterling is 500 pounds of salt(27.65 gal barrel) which is represented by a half cask on the back. A Silver Tele is a 1,000 pounds of salt(55.25 gal barrel) which is represented by a barrel of the back of the silver coin and weighs a quarter pound. A Gold Tele is the equivalent of 10 barrels of salt or ten Silver Tele a one pound gold coin with five barrels in a group. For smaller currency than a pound you have the Cryllic which is 1/100th of a pound but there is only coins at the 5 Cryllic, and 10 Cryllic marks are tin coins. But there are the quarter pound, and half pound coins too which are 180 grains of lead and 380 grains respectively these weights are the standard ammunition for pistols and muskets in the Home Guard Arsenals.
Royal Ranks;
    All ranks are earned through acts of merit that effect many households are put into a letter called a rit. All rits are submitted to the Council of Merit Royal Division of Nobles to which they are vetted and assigned priority then sent to the King for approval once a year. The ranks are as follows; Provost (One Village or higher), Vicount Provost (1 County), Barron (11 Villages/Towns or two counties), Count (3 Barronies or 3 Counties), Vicount Barron (9 Counties), Duke (8 Viscounties or One District)[6], Eirl/Prime Minister (4 Dukes Support)[1], King (Majority of the House of Commons, and 4/5ths Majority in the House of Houses).


  • Scarlet Chain
  • Geographical Map of Isle of Kings
  • Isle of Kings
    This equatorial continent stretches from 300N to 600S. It contains vast sheltered seas, razor sharp reefs, and a wealth of food and kingdoms. It thought to be the origin of the Human peoples that have started to tame the grand Dragon Continent in the west.
Crest of the Cosha Kingdom is as follows;
Tierced in pale azure argent and crimson a dragon rampant reversed sable
A caravel sable on a chief wavy or
Achievement mantling murrey and sable royal helmet crest a royal crown or motto "Kingdom of Cosha"
The flag of the kingdom is as follows;
 Tierced in pale azure argent and crimson a chief wavy or
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Successor Organization
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
5 Cryllic(Tin Coin), 10 Cryllic(Larger Tin Coin), Quarter Pound(QuarterStandard Pistol Ball weight of lead coin}, Half Pound(HalfStandard Musket Ball weight of lead coin}, Pound, 25 Pound Note(Three'rBrass coin being phased out for Glass Coin}, 50 Pound Note(Five'r), Pound Sterling, Gold Sterling, Silver Tele, and Gold Tele
Major Exports
Salt, salted fish, animal oils, technology, and warriors.
Major Imports
Most oil products, special metals, and salt peter.
Legislative Body
Parliament made up of the House of Common's (Individuals with high merit on a national level.) and the House of Houses (Houses' with high merit on a national level and/or Royal rank)
Judicial Body
Council of Merit oversees all acts of merit, all members are limited to 1000 changes in merit maximum.
House of Justice oversees all legal issues, and carries out punishments.
Executive Body
Magistrates and city guards work through all infractions of the law reporting them to the House of Justice, Council of Merit, and the next level of Magistrates. All "runners" are put on a list that are given to the Rangers an organization of bounty-men who's sole job is finding, reporting, and executing criminal acts.
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Traditions
Related Ranks & Titles
Neighboring Nations
Related Species

Articles under Kingdom of Cosha


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