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The people that crossed over

The Tásseach, the people that crossed the world border, are humans that have slipped through the magical border into Degheich . Due to their genetic makeup and their core (Genetics of the Species), not many of them can survive in Degheich for long.   
You might as well kill them where they stand. Most of them will die before the week is over. Everything else is a waste.
When a human is first discovered by citizens of Degheich, they are brought into the facilities that were created to accomodate them. There, they are checked by professionals for their health. Then they are questioned about their background and how they got through the magical border. Most of them slip through the rifts that are everywhere around the world or stumble into one of the naturally occuring - and sometimes active - portals on accident. Afterwards, the always very confused humans are informed about where they are now and what will happen from here on out.    The humans have limited options in Degheich.
  1. Stay and eventually die due to their core not agreeing with their surroundings
  2. Get their memories erased and return to the human world (only granted in few cases) 
  3. If they happen to posess the Immunity, which is even more rare in the human world then it is in Degheich, they can stay and become a part of the Dáotára society.
  Most humans have an angelic core, which makes it impossible for them to survive in Degheich for longer than a few days. The humans with no other options are kept in the facilities for their last days and are cared for there. The fact that Degheich is trying to stay a secret from the human world makes it forbidden to bring a human back across the magical border. The only option is erasing the memories of Degheich, which is an incredibly difficult spell. It is most times only performed on children and young teenagers that have slipped through a rift while playing outside. It is also taken into consideration how long the child has been missing in the human world and under which circumstances it has slipped through the border. If it has been too long, or if the child was on board of a plane that has crossed through the border accidentally, they are not sent back, as too many questions would be asked. The last option is to become a member of the Dáotára society, which is only possible if the human happens to possess the Immunity through the rarely occuring mutation. But even then, not everyone that has this option choses this path.  
Most humans that cross into Degheich end up being buried there and become unsolved missing person cases in the human world. The practice of taking care of them before they die in special facilities is not seen as a good thing everywhere in Degheich. Many citizens see it as a waste of ressources and magic to care for people doomed to die in short time.

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