Kormatin Solo Session 11, 8-16-22, the team fights a Death Goat and does other things too

General Summary

Kormatin, Brigid, Ragani, Bendek and their teamsters with iron carts were attacked by a Death Goat en-route to Prophet's Pass.   They badly wounded and drove off the Death Goat relatively easy. Bendek got pushed off a cliff but he had the Feather Fall spell so he was okay. They tracked down and finished off the Death Goat.   The harvested the goat meat, pelt and head. They harvested a fair bit of durable reagents from the wool. Kormatin later paid a taxidermist to preserve the head.   They met with a Weather Witch of the Gentle Rain faction and got her to reluctantly sign on with a bribe of all the Death Goat wool reagents plus 100 gold. She also said she wouldn't wait forever which set a time table in motion. Kormatin decided to coordinate the big attack for the Apex of Hallisan and sent out messages to that regard.   Kormatin and company made it to King's Lake without further incident. They offloaded their iron and picked up the armor their hired dewarves had made. Recruited Ujarek , picked the brains of the Fumayan Children about where Swynfaredian Chidren might keep undead reserves.   Kormatin ask Jaromir to send a Khemra missionary to the Barony of Bats and to ask Henryk to cut the Prince of Centrum some slack. per earlier requests.   Tactitus had found one wizard of the lineage of wisdom of the fallen Wooly Slopes Barony. They figured Wooly Slope should get a conventional Baron and wizards can be advisors.   Kormatin recruited the Duke of Nerozik by offering Wooly Slopes Baron title to one of his younger sons. He got on board with relatively easy and Tactitus returned to Wiern to sell the plan to his father.
Report Date
16 Aug 2022


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