Mera's Lake

Once Scarterra had a single Pangea-like megacontinent that was loosely shaped liked an oval. In the middle of the mega continent was a massive freshwater lake that persisted through the The First Age and supposedly even in the age before.  Surviving First Age documents say that this inland lake was once called "Iris Lake" because the megacontinent was supposedly vaguely shaped like a giant eye.   When the mega-continent split into smaller continents during the First Unmaking , the lake was the center of the split. This should have caused the lake to become absorbed fully into the sea, but Mera wielded her power to maintain the lake's fresh water status.   Sailors sometimes detour to Mera's Lake so they can stock up at fresh water in the middle of the sea.   Drinking the water is rumored to have healing properties, but whenever someone tries to test it, it's just ordinary water. The water is tasty and clean but it does not possess any true powers or magic. The reason why Mera's Lake seems to sometimes have healing power is because Mera's healing spirits like to hang out there, and most of these spirits can become invisible at will.   Many cartographers consider Mera's Lake to be the geographic center of the world.

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