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### **Biancogiglio: The Gem of the Grand Duchy**

#### **History of the City**

Biancogiglio is the capital of the Granducato del Giglio and one of the most important centers of the Principalities of Hansa. Founded at the mouth of the Reisa River, the city grew rapidly thanks to its strategic position as a trading port. Over the centuries, Biancogiglio has established itself as one of the most prosperous cities in the region, famous for its majestic architecture, vibrant cultural activity and technological innovation. The city takes its name from the white lilies that adorn its hills and which have become a symbol of the city's purity and prosperity.

#### **Current Situation**

Biancogiglio is a pulsating center of economic, political and cultural activity. The port, one of the most important in the Principalities, sees a constant flow of merchant ships, while the city streets are animated by markets, shops and technomancer laboratories. Innovation is at the heart of city life, thanks to the presence of the Mirandola Technical Academy, which attracts scholars and inventors from all over Valenor. The city is well protected by both walls and mercenary companies, ensuring a high level of security. However, internal political tensions between the notables continue to influence city life, with rivalries that sometimes spill over beyond meetings at the Palazzo dei Priori, into clashes in the streets of the city.

#### **Important Characters**
  • **Alighiero di Bellincione**: The mayor of Biancogiglio, Alighiero is known for his loyalty to the De Cerusici family and his ability to maintain order in a complex city like Biancogiglio. Although his family is of minor importance, his position of power makes him an influential figure.
  • **Leonardo Vinciani**: Head of the Mirandola Technical Academy, Leonardo is one of Valenor's most brilliant inventors and one of Grand Duke Lorenzo's most trusted advisors. His brilliant mind is responsible for many of the city's technological marvels.
  • **Michelangelo Uberti**: Captain of the People and president of the Council of Priors, Michelangelo is a charismatic figure of great authority. His leadership is crucial to maintaining the balance of power among the city's noble families.
  • **Michelangelo Arroti**: Rector of the School of Artists, he is one of Valenor's most famous painters and sculptors. His works adorn many of the palaces and temples of Biancoliglio, and his cultural influence is inestimable.

  • #### **Locations and Resources**
  • **The Grand Duke's Palace**: Built of white pearly stone, the palace dominates the city from the top of a hill. It is a symbol of power and prestige, with towers and spires that rise high above Biancogiglio.
  • **The Temple of the Infinite Cycle**: A sacred place dedicated to the god Brumbarr, the temple is a center of study and prayer where the faithful dedicate themselves to the continuous improvement of the soul. The temple is a splendid example of religious architecture and a spiritual reference point for the citizens.
  • **The Great Bridge**: One of the engineering marvels of the city, this opening bridge connects the two banks of the Reisa River and allows the passage of ships. Its complex mechanism is considered a masterpiece of technomancy.
  • **The Palace of Arts and Crafts**: This imposing building is the heart of the artisanal and commercial activity of Biancogiglio. Here, representatives of the guilds of the Grand Duchy gather to discuss business and economic policies.
  • **The Palace of the Priors**: A palace where meetings of the representatives of the major noble families are held. It is here that the appointments of Podestà and other important positions are made, making it a nerve center of political power.
  • **The Lens Lighthouse**: Another technological marvel, the lighthouse is able to illuminate the coast and guide ships during the night or in fog. Its light is visible almost 100 km away, ensuring the safety of maritime traffic.
  • **The Bridge over Dark Waters**: Created by architect Guido Filippeschi, this bridge connects the Accademia della Mirandola to the city, symbolizing the bond between Biancogiglio and technological innovation.
  • **The Statue of Arcadia**: A white marble statue that stands in the square in front of the Grand Duke's Palace, representing genius and creative flair, it is a tribute to the continuous innovation that characterizes the city.

  • #### **Folklore and Details**

    The city of Biancogiglio is rich in traditions and celebrates the **Festa del Cardellino** every year. This event commemorating the anniversary of the city's founding transforms Biancogiglio into a riot of white lilies, parades, banquets and competitions of technomancy and singing, which showcase the skill and inventiveness of the citizens.

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