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Granducato del Giglio


### **Grand Duchy of Giglio**

#### **History of the Nation**

The Grand Duchy of Giglio is the largest and richest of the principalities that make up the federation of the Principalities of Hansa. Founded centuries ago by a group of nobles who settled in the fertile plains west of the Dark Sea, the Grand Duchy has prospered thanks to its strategic location and easily arable land. The fertile plains, watered by the Reisa River, have made the territory one of the most productive areas of the entire federation, with abundant harvests that have fueled a thriving agricultural economy.


Over the centuries, the Grand Duchy has evolved from a small rural territory to an economic and technological powerhouse, thanks also to the founding of the Mirandola Technical Academy, a center of innovation that has brought numerous technological and scientific advances. Grand Duke Lorenzo De Cerusici, the current ruler, is a skilled politician who has consolidated the power of the Grand Duchy and aims to become Exarch of the Principalities, the leader of the federation.

#### **Government Structure**

The Grand Duchy of Giglio is a Signoria currently governed by the de' Cerusici family, which emerged at the end of a period of murky rivalries and clashes between the major families of the Principality. Each town of the Grand Duchy is governed by a Podestà appointed by the Council of Priors. The Council of Priors is composed of representatives of the major families of the Principality but is subject to the will of the Lord. The head of the Council is the Captain of the People while the army is led by a military leader called Bargello.


At the federal level, the Grand Duke represents the Grand Duchy in the Council of Principalities of Hansa, where he has significant influence thanks to the resources and economic power of his territory. His aspiration is to become the leader of the federation.

#### **Political Parties and Organizations**

The Grand Duchy of Giglio has no formal political parties, but the political struggle that also results in violent episodes, is based on families. In fact, there are prominent families that fight for power and that try to oust the De Cerusici family and rise to power in their place. The major families are the Bardi, rich merchants who own the Malaspina ceramic factories. The Cerchi family, rich landowners and owners of numerous vineyards, including those that produce the famous Trinorio wine, one of the most appreciated on Valenor. The Donati family, which owns the famous "Pelli del Giglio" tanneries.

The **Adventurers' Guild** has its main headquarters in Biancogiglio. This organization generates enormous revenues through the bank in which the adventurers deposit their wealth. The banking part of the guild has always been administered by the De Cerusici family, who earned large sums from the interest on deposits and transactions.


**Mirandola Technical Academy**, which promotes innovation and technology. **Technomancers**, specialists who graduate from the academy, often become key figures in both the government and industry of the Grand Duchy, enjoying considerable prestige and resources. The academy is located on an artificial island off the port of Biancogiglio, connected to the city by a bridge closed at its ends by the Ghibertiane doors for security reasons. The Academy hosts famous inventors and technicians who are allowed to work on any of their projects. This sometimes means that the experiments do not go well and occasionally small explosions can be heard in the city coming from the Academy.


**Guild of Arts and Crafts** Under this guild of all arts and crafts, which represents the major interests of the productive activities of the Grand Duchy, meetings are held to exchange information, including technical information, and to decide which requests to present to the Grand Duke to favor the economy of the Grand Duchy.

#### **Current Situation**

Currently, the Grand Duchy of Giglio is in a position of strength, thanks to its thriving economy and the leadership of Lorenzo De Cerusici. However, the territory faces internal challenges, such as competition between noble families for power and resources, and the threat posed by the forest along the coast of the Dark Sea, still largely unexplored and inhabited by dangerous creatures.


The Grand Duke's ambitions to become Exarch have created political tensions within the federation, with other principalities viewing the growing influence of the Grand Duchy with concern. In response, Lorenzo increased investment in the Mirandola Technical Academy and in further developing the economy and producing new weaponry being researched by the Technomancers.

#### **Important Characters**
  • **Grand Duke Lorenzo De Cerusici**: The ruler of the Grand Duchy of Giglio, he is a skilled politician and patron of the arts and sciences. Under his leadership, the Grand Duchy has become an economic and technological powerhouse. His main ambition is to become Exarch of the Principalities of Hansa.
  • **Francesco Bardi**: Head of the Bardi family and owner of the Malaspina ceramic factories.
  • **Enrico Bardi**: Son of Francesco Bardi who thanks to his influence was appointed Podestà of Malaspina.
  • **Cosimo Cerchi**: Head of the Cerchi family.
  • **Cecco Donati**: Head of the Donati family.
  • **Leonardo Vinciani**: Current dean of the Mirandola Technical Academy and famous inventor, he is an influential technomancer and one of the Grand Duke's main advisors. His research on alchemy and technology has brought numerous benefits to the Grand Duchy
  • **Michelangelo Uberti** Current Captain of the People
  • **Giovanni Nerebande** Current Bargello
  • **Alighiero di Bellincione** Current Podestà of Biancogiglio, head of a minor family loyal to the De Cerusici family
  • **Michelangelo Arroti** Rector of the school of artists, famous painter and sculptor often called by the Grand Duke to create works of art

    #### **Locations and Resources**
  • **Biancogiglio**: The capital of the Grand Duchy, located at the mouth of the Reisa River, is famous for its white buildings and the large ducal palace in pearly stone. The city is a cultural and commercial center, with a strong presence of the Adventurers' Guild and the Technical Academy of Mirandola.
  • **Malaspina**: The second city of the Grand Duchy, renowned for its production of ceramics and luxury artifacts. Malaspina is an important economic center, with numerous workshops and artisanal workshops.
  • **Dark Sea Forest**: A vast and mysterious forest along the coast, still largely unexplored. The forest is said to be inhabited by dangerous creatures, making it an area of interest for adventurers and mercenaries.
  • The Grand Duchy's main resources include rich agricultural lands that produce grain, wine, and other foodstuffs, as well as a strong economy based on technology and luxury craftsmanship. **Baccablu** wine, produced in the hills in the west of the Grand Duchy, is particularly prized and represents one of the most profitable exports.

    #### **Folklore and Details**

    The Grand Duchy of Giglio is rich in traditions and legends, many of which are linked to the figure of the white lily, a symbol of purity and prosperity.

    One of the most important historical figures is the architect and engineer Guido Filippeschi who designed and built the Temple of the Infinite Cycle in Biancogiglio and the Bridge over the Dark Waters that connects the island of the Accademia della Mirandola to the city of Biancogiglio.

    Elnor Marcinelli the world famous architect who built the The Primeval Temple in the Sacred Valley.

    all the population of the Grand Duchy celebrates the **Festa del Cardellino** every year, on the anniversary of the foundation of the capital, Biancogiglio. During this festival, the cities and villages are decorated with white lilies, and parades, banquets and technomancy competitions are held. A singing competition is held on this day, and it call peoples from all over Valenor, the winner is given the "Cardellino Award" as best singer for the year.

    The population of Malaspina celebrates the Carriera in the month of Ventara, a drill race that takes place along the streets of the city in which the neighborhoods of Malaspina participate. The neighborhood that wins the Carriera receives as a prize a banner made by a famous artist and pride for the whole year. During the days of the Carriera, dinners, parties, dances and even brawls between enthusiasts from different neighborhoods take place.

    Every year in the town of Monte Gioioso on the hills of Bellavista, the Ribongia is organized, an event during which the wine productions of the various cellars are tasted. The wine that is awarded by the jury receives the title of wine of the year and a cash prize. During the Ribongia, festivals, wine-themed parties, cooking competitions and conferences on oenology take place.

    Geopolitical, Duchy
    Head of Government
    Government System
    Monarchy, Elective
    Economic System
    Market economy
    Official State Religion
    Parent Organization
    Official Languages
    Related Ranks & Titles
    Related Ethnicities

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    Character flag image: Granducato del Giglio by Alberto Zanini


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