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Confederal Army of Alfan: Blue Basques


Confederal Army of Alfan (Blue Berets)

#### History of the Army
  • **Origins:** The Alfan Confederation Army, known as the Blue Berets, was established soon after the formation of the Alfan Confederation, when the various kingdoms and local governments were unified under a single democratic government. This regular army was created to guarantee the common defense of the Marche and to maintain internal order.
  • **Evolution:** Initially composed of contingents from the various Marches, the army underwent a centralization process to improve efficiency and unity of command. The professionalization of the troops and the adoption of distinctive blue uniforms solidified their identity.
  • **Notable Conflicts:** The Blue Berets have participated in numerous campaigns to defend the Confederacy's borders and maintain internal peace. They are known for their intervention during the War of the Three Marches, where they quelled an uprising and restored order.
  • **The Battle of Rivendale:** In 1192 NE the Confederacy of Alfan mounts a military expedition to regain control of the rebel march of Adras, but part of the army was secretly under the control of the Vampire Coven and turned against the rest of the expeditionary force during the battle, and Vampires and their spawn caused havoc among the Confederate troops. This battle is the clash with the greatest human losses in the military history of Alfan.

    #### Current situation
  • **Composition:** The army is made up of several specialized units, including infantry, cavalry, artillery and engineering troops. Each unit is trained to operate both independently and in coordination with the Marche militias.
  • **Location:** The Blue Berets are stationed in various garrisons distributed throughout the Confederation, with the main headquarters in the Shan capital, at the Garrison Fort.
  • **Mission:** Their main mission is the defense of the Confederation from external threats, the management of internal emergencies and the support of local militias in case of need. They act under the direct command of the Confederation Council, thus guaranteeing their independence from other federal bodies.

    #### Important Members
  • **Lord General Daniele Colleoni:** Current commander of the Confederal Army of Alfan, known for his strategic skills and his commitment to modernizing the army. General Colleoni reports directly to the Confederation Council and has a reputation for integrity and dedication. The current Burgomaster of Shan Vittorio Colleoni, Burgermeister di Shan is a distant nephew of the general, who used his uncle's name for his political purposes.
  • **Colonel Marian Bess:** Chief of military intelligence, responsible for intelligence gathering and covert operations. Bess has played a crucial role in preventing several insider threats.
  • **Captain Raul Menendez:** Commander of the cavalry, famous for his bold tactics and charisma. Menendez is respected by both his men and his allies.

    #### Locations and Resources
  • **Garrison Fort (Shan):** The main headquarters of the Blue Basques, an imposing fortified complex that houses the headquarters, main barracks, warehouses and training facilities. The Fort is equipped with the most advanced technologies and also serves as a command center for military operations.
  • **Regional Garrisons:** Garrisons located throughout the Marche, designed to guarantee a constant military presence ready to intervene in case of emergency. These garrisons also serve as recruiting and training points.
  • **Logistics Resources:** The Army has a vast arsenal of weapons and equipment, including armored vehicles, heavy artillery, and a fleet of warships for the Confederate Navy. Logistics resources are managed by an efficient supply chain that ensures constant supplies to the troops.

    #### Folklore Notes and Details
  • **Symbolism of the Blue Berets:** The name "Blue Berets" comes from the distinctive headdresses worn by soldiers, which symbolize loyalty and vigilance. It is said that Basques are dyed with a particular blue pigment obtained from a rare plant, grown exclusively in the Marches of the Confederation.
  • **Legends and Heroes:** Numerous ballads and popular legends narrate the heroic deeds of the Blue Basques, celebrating figures such as the legendary Captain Esteban, who defended a city from destruction with a handful of men.
  • **Rites and Traditions:** Before each battle, the soldiers of the Blue Basques perform an ancient ritual of blessing their weapons, which according to tradition confers strength and courage. This ritual is presided over by the eldest among them and has been passed down for generations.
  • Type
    Military, Army
    Alternative Names
    Blue Berets
    Parent Organization

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