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Free City of Adras


### Free City of Adras

#### History of the City
The **Free City of Adras** is located in the mountainous region of the former March of Adras, a territory that was once part of the Alfan Confederation. Adras became a free and autonomous city after a series of catastrophic events that began in 1175 NE, when a group of miners discovered an ancient necropolis that freed a group of vampires known as "the Hidden Lords". These vampires, part of the powerful organization known as The Coven, secretly took control of the city and surrounding land.   Over the years, the Hidden Lords consolidated their power and transformed Adras into a center of illicit trafficking, particularly the slave trade. In 1192 NE, the Confederation of Alfan attempted to reconquer the March, but failed disastrously, suffering one of the worst defeats in its history. From that moment, Adras officially became a free city, although it was secretly controlled by Coven vampires.
#### Governance Structure
The government of Adras is nominally a plutocracy, where power is held by the city's wealthiest and most influential citizens, many of whom are pirates, slavers, and unscrupulous merchants. However, the real power lies in the hands of the **Hidden Lords**, the vampire Coven that controls all important decisions from the shadows.
  The **Lord of the City**, currently Therim Pasha, is the official head of the government of Adras, but he is also the leader of the Coven and runs the city as his personal fiefdom, keeping his vampiric nature a secret .
#### Political Parties and Organizations
In the Free City of Adras there are no real political parties like in other nations of the Alfan Confederation. However, there are several factions and organizations competing for influence:
  • **The Vampire Coven (The Hidden Lords):** The true driving force behind the government of Adras. Coven vampires control the city and use its resources to expand their power. They direct the activities of slavers and pirates, ensuring that the city remains a hub for illicit trafficking.
  • **The Yellow Sails:** A powerful gang of slavers who have formed an alliance with the Coven. The Yellow Sails capture slaves to supply the mines of Adras and other operations throughout the Thalassa Sea. Thanks to the protection of the Coven, they operate undisturbed and continue to thrive.
  • **The Pirate Crews:** Several pirate crews operate under the aegis of the Free City of Adras, which offers them safe haven and supplies. In exchange, the pirates contribute to the defense of the city and participate in the trafficking managed by the Coven.
    #### Current Situation
    Currently, the Free City of Adras is also known as **The Pirate's Bay**, a place feared and respected throughout the Thalassa Sea. The city is a hub of illegal trafficking, where slavers and pirates thrive thanks to the protection of vampires. The region's mines, rich in natural resources, are exploited ruthlessly, with the use of slaves who work in inhumane conditions.   The Coven's occult control remains firm, but there are internal tensions between various members of the city and within the Coven itself. Some younger, more ambitious vampires, dissatisfied with Therim Pasha's leadership, are secretly plotting to seize power.
    #### Important Characters
  • **Therim Pasha:** The Lord of the city and leader of the Coven, Therim Pasha is an ancient vampire who rules Adras with an iron hand. Under his leadership, the city has become a center of power for vampires, but his authority is threatened by internal factions.
  • **Lady Selene "The Bloody":** A vampire of the Coven, known for her beauty and cunning. She is one of Therim Pasha's main supporters, but some suspect that she has her own personal ambitions.
  • **Kapitan Radimir "The Black Hawk":** A feared pirate who has formed an alliance with the Coven. Radimir is known for his brutality and his loyalty to the city of Adras. He commands one of the most powerful fleets operating in the Thalassa Sea.
    #### Locations and Resources
  • **The Mines of Adras:** Located in the surrounding mountains, the mines of Adras are the main source of wealth in the Marche. Precious metals and other resources are mined here, often using slaves as a workforce.
  • **The Port of Adras:** A fortified port home to the pirate fleet and slaver ships. It is one of the busiest and most dangerous ports in the Thalassa Sea, a true den of illegal activity.
  • **The Necropolis of Adras:** A sacred and feared place, the Necropolis is where the Coven was originally imprisoned and where some vampires return to rest. Its precise location is not known, but it is a place surrounded by an aura of mystery and magical protections.
    #### Folklore and Details
    The Free City of Adras is shrouded in a web of myth and legend. It is said that the city is cursed and that no one can enter its walls without being touched by the darkness that pervades it. The population lives in fear of the Hidden Lords, although few have the courage to speak openly of their existence.   One of the most widespread tales is that of **The Shadows of Adras**, nocturnal creatures said to roam the city's countryside, kidnapping anyone who ventures out of their homes after dark. These beings are considered servants of vampires, tasked with capturing new victims for their masters.   .


    • City of Adras
      The Pirates City
    Geopolitical, City-state
    Subsidiary Organizations
    Neighboring Nations

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    Character flag image: by Alberto Zanini


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