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Elsa Baur, "The Crimson Maiden"

Elsa Baur 'The Crimson Maiden', Gran Maresciallo del Ducato del Drago
Elsa Baur 'The Crimson Maiden'

### **Elsa Baur, "The Crimson Maiden"**

#### **History**

Elsa Baur, known as the "Crimson Maiden" for her unyielding character and the blood she has shed in her many battles, is one of the most feared and respected figures in the Ducato del Drago. Born into a minor noble family, Elsa distinguished herself from a young age for her determination and skill in combat, surpassing many of her male peers in the military academies of the Duchy. Thanks to her innate talent for strategy and her unwavering loyalty to Duke Valentino Gianforza, Elsa quickly rose through the ranks of the army to become **Grand Marshal**, the highest military rank in the Duchy.


Her rise was further cemented by an act of heroism during a military campaign against rebel mercenaries in the mountains. Elsa led a decisive charge that shattered the enemy lines and saved the Duke's army from imminent defeat, earning not only Valentino's gratitude, but also his undying trust. A few years ago, to reward her loyalty, the Duke gifted her with a young **female Red Dragon** named **Pira**, a creature that Elsa still seeks to fully tame, facing not only a military challenge, but a personal one as well.

#### **Character and Personality**

Elsa is a woman of few words, known for her stern appearance and stoic demeanor. Beneath her red decorated armor, to recall her the nickname "Crimson Maiden," lies a brilliant mind and unwavering discipline. She is never seen without her signature armor and sword, which she carries as a symbol of her determination to protect the Duchy and the Duke at all costs.


Elsa's loyalty to **Valentino Gianforza** is absolute, to the point that it is said that the Duke may consider her the only person he can trust completely. Some say that there is a romantic relationship between them, but nothing has ever been officially confirmed. What is certain is that Elsa shares the Duke's expansionist and militaristic vision and that she is willing to do anything to achieve it, even at the cost of her own life.


Despite her impassive appearance, Elsa is a deeply passionate woman who firmly believes in strength, duty, and loyalty. She has never tolerated weakness, neither in herself nor in others, and expects the same level of dedication from those she serves and commands.

#### **Relationships and Conflicts**

Elsa Baur is often considered Duke Valentino's shadow, but her influence extends far beyond the battlefield. Her closeness to the Duke has granted her a position of enormous political power, which she has used to keep the Duchy under control and quell any signs of dissent. However, this same closeness to the Duke has created tensions with other key figures in the Duchy, particularly **Leone Bortone**, the captain of the Ducal Guard. Leone, though loyal to the Duke, views Elsa as a rival for power and distrusts her connection to Valentino. It is said that the two have had several secret clashes, and their rivalries have caused internal divisions among the Duke's loyalists.


The chatter regarding her intimate relationship with the Duke is mainly aimed at discrediting her, as a woman in a high position, even if she has granted her graces to the Duke a few times, he has never treated her as a lover, but always as a general and a trusted ally.


Elsa, on the other hand, has no time for court games and despises political machinations. Her only concern is serving the Duke and ensuring that the Duchy's military is always ready for war. For this reason, she actively avoids direct conflict with the Duchy's nobles, but is well aware of the tensions that build around her.


Elsa's only real internal conflict concerns her bond with the dragon **Pira**. Taming the creature proved much more difficult than expected, and some believe this is one of the few challenges Elsa has yet to overcome. The Red Dragon represents a metaphor for her own soul: wild, untamed, and dangerous, but with the potential to become an unstoppable force if channeled correctly.

#### **Abilities and Powers**

Elsa is a **brilliant strategist** and an exceptional warrior. She has honed her battle skills through countless military campaigns and defeated many opponents, earning a reputation that has crossed the borders of the Duchy. She is particularly skilled in the use of the **longsword** and **mounted combat**, where she excels as a field commander. Additionally, Elsa is known for her ability to **maintain control of large armies** under extreme pressure, always managing to impose her will and maintain high discipline among the troops.


Her bond with the **Red Dragon, Pira**, is still evolving, but it holds enormous potential. If she can fully tame him, Elsa will become a fearsome force not only to the Duchy, but to all of its enemies. Her bond with Pira is based on mutual respect, but at the moment the dragon is still somewhat wild and untamable, making every interaction a battle between Elsa and the creature's will.


In addition to her martial skills, Elsa possesses a keen understanding of **military logistics** and **political dynamics**. While she dislikes politics, she knows how to use it to her advantage to gain resources and support for the military. Her influence over Valentino makes her a key figure in the stability of the Duchy, and many believe that without her, the military machine she has built could fall apart.

### **Conclusion**

Elsa Baur, "The Crimson Maiden," is one of the most imposing and feared figures in the Ducato del Drago. Her unwavering loyalty to the Duke and her extraordinary military skills have made her a living legend. However, her story is still evolving, with internal and external challenges that could test both her loyalty and her abilities. Her strength, cunning, and ambition make her an unstoppable force, both on the battlefield and in the corridors of power.

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