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Ducato del Drago

### ** Ducato del Drago: territory of iron and fire **

#### ** History of the Nation **

The **Ducato del Drago (Duchy of the Dragon)**, despite being part of the Principalities of Hansa, has always behaved as an independent state and often with a bold and aggressive attitude towards the other principalities. This attitude derives from centuries of clashes and skirmishes against the The Almighty Empire first and later against other nearby states, which created the long military tradition that characterizes it today. The region is rich in natural resources, such as precious minerals and the famous white marble of **Carrenza**, but its history is dotted with conflicts, both internal and external.


The Duchy was founded by an ancient leader, who is said to descend from an order of draconic knights, known for having tamed the legendary creatures of the mountains. This inheritance has been maintained through the centuries, and the dragon symbol has remained central to the identity of the Duchy. Draghi's possession and training are common practices in noble families.


Under the command of the current Duke, Valentino Gianforza, the Duchy entered a new era of militarization and preparation for the war. Gianforza has cultivated a powerful war economy, based on the mining extraction and the production of weapons, fueling its expansion ambitions.

#### ** Government structure **

The Duchy is governed autocraticly by Duke Valentino Gianforza, who holds absolute power. Although nominally is part of the Federation of the principalities of Hansa, Gianforza exerts a iron control over his territory and behaves like an independent sovereign. The advice of the Duchy, once made up of nobles and officials, is now little more than a facade; The real power is held by the Duke and his closest councilors.


The institutions of the Duchy are dominated by the faithful of the Duke, with the **Gran Marshal Elsa Baur**, called "The Crimson Maiden", which controls all the armed forces and acts as a right arm of the Duke. The laws are strictly imposed by the **Ducal Guard**, led by **Leone Bortone**, known for its brutality and its desire for power.

#### ** Political parties and organizations **

There are no official political parties in the Duchy Duchy, as any opposition to the Duke is crushed hard. However, there is a nascent resistance movement, even if in the embryonic phase, formed by citizens tired of exorbitant taxes and oppression. This resistance is fragmented and constantly persecuted by the ducal guard.


The Duchy, due to his aggressive attitude, which in the past has already collided with all his neighbors, and because of the Duke's politics, within the principalities of Hansa is seen as a constant possible threat to peace and the integrity of the Federation. The other states have different positions towards the Duchy, among those who support their maintenance within the Federation for its remarkable military force, others have started to think of expelling it or at least to change its leadership. Some rumors circulating, suggest that some states are thinking of stipulating a secret treatise of mutual help, in the event of an attack by the Duchy of the Dragon.

#### ** Current situation **

The Duchy is located in a state of **constant military mobilization**. The Duke gathered an imposing army, made up of both regular troops and from bands of mercenaries, but nobody is sure what his target will be. The strategic position of the Duchy, with the mountain pass controlled by the fortresses, allows you to threaten the nearby imperial territories, as well as the neighboring principalities.


The population is exhausted due to the high taxes, sets to finance the army and the numerous military projects. Many citizens are forced to work in mines or war industries, while those who dare rebel are quickly arrested or executed. The discontent grows, but the repression is fierce.


Despite this climate of oppression, the Duchy remains economically prosperous thanks to the **weapon industry** and mining. The products of his mines and the weapons forged by his blacksmiths are appreciated and sold throughout Valenor.

#### **Important Characters**
  • **Duke Valentino Gianforza**: an ambitious and unscrupulous sovereign, eager to expand the boundaries of his domain. Its leadership is characterized by a strong militarism and an economy based on the war industries. It has a powerful **Black Dragon** called **Devasto**(Devastation), which uses as a symbol of its power and intimidating strength.
  • **Elsa Baur, The Crimson Maiden**: the great marshal of the Duchy of the dragon and commander of the army. It is feared and respected throughout the duchy for its military skills and its unconditional loyalty to the Duke. It is also said to be his lover, and his influence on the Duchy politics is enormous. A few years ago the Duke gave her a female **Red Dragon** called **Pira**(Pyre), which she has not yet tamed.
  • **Leone Bortone**: captain of the ducal guard, he is the trusted man of Gianforza as regards the management of the dirty business of the Duchy. It is known for its brutality and its involvement in disappearance and assassinations, as well as for voices on young disappeared women brought to its palace.

    #### ** Locations and resources **

    The territory of the Duchy is rich in hills and mountains, on whose slopes robust plants and vineyards are grown. The high mountains block the transit towards the territories of the Empire with the exception of a single mountain step watched upstream and valley by fortresses and castles.

  • **The Carrenza's mines**: The western mines are the backbone of the Duchy economy. From here come iron, coal, precious minerals and the famous white marble, used throughout Valenor. The working conditions in the mines are very hard, and many political or rebellious prisoners are sent here as punishment. Often even those who simply fail to pay the very high taxes are sent to work in the mine "until the payment of the sum due".
  • **Torre del Drago**: the capital of the Duchy, a fortified and oppressive city. The roads are narrow, dirty and badly enlightened, with houses piled up one on the other. Its high walls symbolize the military power of the Duchy, while the fortresses surrounding the territory propagate the power of the Duke on the territory, protect the commercial routes and access to the Mountain Pass, the main transit point towards the imperial territories.
  • **The Dragon Mountains**: The mountains of the duchy are known to host many lairs of dragons. The less intelligent species are captured and trained for military purposes, while the most dangerous dragons are avoided with great caution. These mountains represent a natural barrier against invasions, but also hide dangers and secrets.
    #### ** Folclore and Details **

    The Ducato del Drago has a deeply rooted martial culture, and the **Dragon** is the central symbol of this identity. Legends tell about ancient draconic knights order who fought in the saddle of these creatures, and the descendants of these knights still enjoy great respect.


    In the population, however, voices of rebellion and hope are also circulating. It is told of popular heroes destined to challenge the power of the Duke and who one day will free the Duchy from the tyranny of Gianforza. These stories secretly feed the spirit of the resistance, even if for now it remains hidden and fragmented.

    Geopolitical, Duchy
    Leader Title
    Head of State
    Government System
    Monarchy, Absolute
    Economic System
    Command/Planned economy
    Parent Organization
    Official Languages
    Controlled Territories

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