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Knights of the Sacred Chalice

The Order of the Knights of the Sacred Chalice was formed at the end of the "War of the Tears" by the surviving knights of the Kingdom of Sarleris.

The Great Battle of the Lament Pass was the last major battle fought by the Knights of the Kingdom against the invaders of the Phan Empire. The Armies of the Kingdom of Sarleris had never been defeated, especially thanks to a very powerful artifact called "The Sacred Chalice of Sarleris" which possessed the power to heal and bring back to life all the knights fallen during a battle.

During the course of the battle someone managed to steal the Sacred Chalice and somehow the Imperial troops were informed. Instead of limiting the losses to conduct a long campaign, the imperials threw all the soldiers they had into battle and at the cost of annihilating their troops, inflicted heavy losses on the armies of Sarleris.

Without the Chalice, the kingdom was unable to deploy other troops and the imperial reinforcements swept across the kingdom without any more obstacles. A small group of trusted knights, led by Lady Gerardine Belakor, were tasked with finding the stolen Chalice at any cost, and as the imperial forces conquered the capital, the quarrymen began their search. Unfortunately, to date, the Chalice is still lost.

In the ten centuries that have passed since then, the Knights of the Chalice have continued to search for him, battling the imperial forces whenever possible, and keeping alive the memory of the Kingdom of Sarleris.

Over the years the Knights of the Order have established various bases around the world, in order to continue the search wherever possible, and today they have almost 10,000 members.

At present, with the decline of imperial power, the independence drive of the Sarleris territories has become stronger and stronger and many areas are free from imperial control, protected by the Knights Sacro Chalice and the twin order of the Penitent Knights.

Many knights are returning to their old homeland, to continue the search where it was previously forbidden to them.


The organizational structure of the Knights of the Sacred Chalice is based on territorial garrisons, scattered almost everywhere on Valenor. These garrisons are usually real strongholds, large or small, where the knights prepare and station themselves before being sent around to look for traces of the missing Chalice.

These fortresses are always built with the approval of neighboring kingdoms or cities, often in exchange for the military support of the Knights of the Order in the event of war. The Knights also ensure safety in their assigned territory, so Bandits and Marauders think very carefully before angering the Knights.

Many fortresses are built near the border with the Phan Empire, in order to allow groups of "raiding" knights to enter the empire in search of the Chalice.

Founding Date
120 NE
Military Order
Alternative Names
The Wandering Knights
Parent Organization

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