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Order of the Lamenters Knights

The Order of the Lamenters Knight was formed at the end of the "War of the Tears" by the surviving knights of the Kingdom of Sarleris. They were forced to flee the battlefield by the overwhelming forces of the Phan Empire, but vowed never to lay down their arms until the kingdom was free.

Legend has it that Crown Prince Vilorius did not die in the great battle of the Lament Pass, but fled with the surviving knights and hid in the mountains to continue the fight.

In the ten centuries that have passed since then, the Penitent Knights have continued to battle the imperial forces, to revive the resistance of the population and to keep alive the memory of the Kingdom of Sarleris.

One of the most controversial historical truths is that some knights have taken the oath to "never" lay down their arms too literally and have embraced the undeath to carry on their battle.

To date, with the decline of imperial power, the independence drive of the Sarleris territories has become stronger and stronger and many areas become free from imperial control, protected by the Penitent Knights and the twin order of the Knights of the Sacred Chalice.

Never Surrender

Founding Date
120 NE
Military Order
Alternative Names
Crying Knights
Parent Organization

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