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Leone Bortone, Captain of the Ducal Guard

Leone Bortone, Capitano delle Guardie Ducali
Leone Bortone, Capitano delle Guardie Ducali

### **Leone Bortone**

#### **History**

Leone Bortone comes from a minor noble family, but his ambition and ruthlessness quickly led him to rise through the ranks of the Dragon Duchy. From a young age, Leone stood out for his cunning and talent for manipulation. Although he lacks the military heritage of some of his rivals, he rose through the ranks thanks to his political skill and his ability to carry out "dirty business" on behalf of Duke Valentino Gianforza. Over time, he rose to become **Captain of the Ducal Guard**, a role that cemented his position of power within the Duchy.


His history is characterized by a series of brutal actions to protect the Duke and maintain control over the territory. It is said that there is no limit to what Leone will do to gain the Duke's favor, and he has proven his loyalty on countless occasions by eliminating political opponents, orchestrating disappearances, and suppressing revolts with extreme violence. This has earned him the reputation of being one of the most feared men in the Duchy, but also one of the most hated.

#### **Character and Personality**

Leone Bortone is a cunning, unscrupulous and deeply manipulative man. He is the type of person who sees the world through the prism of power and control, and his every action is aimed at strengthening his position. Leone is known to be ruthless in his decisions and cruel in his methods, and is said to not hesitate to resort to torture or murder to maintain order in the Duchy.


Despite this, Leone is an excellent social strategist. He masterfully exploits the weaknesses of others, and knows how to charm and manipulate people in subtle ways, while maintaining an image of absolute loyalty to the Duke. For him, loyalty to the Duke is not dictated by affection or the ideal of serving his country, but rather by his desire to remain in power and enjoy the privileges that this position grants him.


His love of luxury and power is well known, and Leone often displays expensive clothing and objects, contrasting with the widespread poverty that plagues the people. He is also vain and loves to surround himself with powerful figures to demonstrate his influence.


A dangerous side of Leone's personality is his dark nature that leads him to abuse young women and boys for his own perverse pleasure, subjecting these prisoners to torture and abuse. Leone has always been very careful not to leave any traces of his activities, but one of his latest victims was a young officer under the command of Elsa Baur, and her disappearance alerted the Grand Marshal to these mysterious disappearances.

#### **Relationships and Conflicts**

Leone has a complicated relationship with Elsa Baur,, the Grand Marshal of the Duchy. While both faithfully serve Duke Valentino Gianforza, their rivalry is palpable. Leone sees Elsa as a threat to his influence over Valentino, especially since the closeness between the "Crimson Maiden" and the Duke seems to go beyond a professional relationship. Leone is often said to try to discredit Elsa behind the scenes, spreading rumors or trying to undermine her position. On the other hand, Elsa despises Leone and his underhanded ways of operating, seeing him as an obstacle to the military purity she embodies.


Leone also has strained relations with many of the lesser nobles of the Duchy, particularly those who oppose the Duke's oppressive policies. However, thanks to his position as **Captain of the Ducal Guard**, he has the power to have anyone who challenges him arrested or eliminated, and he uses this authority with ease.


His loyalty to the Duke, however, is unquestionable, but not without its cynicism. Leo knows that his power is tied to Valentine's, and so he will do whatever it takes to keep the Duke on the throne, even if it means betraying or eliminating anyone who stands between him and his goal.

#### **Abilities and Powers**

Leone is a **master manipulator** and strategist. His true strength lies not in his martial skills or military tactics, but in his ability to move in the shadows and manage the political dynamics of the Duchy. He is particularly skilled in **blackmail, bribery and intimidation**, tools he uses to maintain order and enforce the Duke's will. His network of spies and informants is extensive, and few events in the Duchy happen without Leone's knowledge.


As **Captain of the Ducal Guard**, Leone also has full control of the Duchy's police force, which he uses to impose terror and repress dissidents. He does not hesitate to use violence to maintain order, and many citizens live in fear of his reprisals. Thanks to his position, he can send anyone into the mines or execute opponents without having to answer for his actions.


Despite his lack of combat skills comparable to Elsa Baur, Leone is still a skilled swordsman, trained in dueling techniques. However, he prefers to avoid direct combat, leaving others to do his dirty bidding. He is also known for his ability to **manipulate the laws of the Duchy** to his advantage, exploiting the ambiguities of the legal system to punish his enemies and protect himself.

  #### **Conclusion** Leone Bortone is a complex and Machiavellian character, driven by a thirst for power and a desire to maintain his position alongside Duke Valentino Gianforza. While he lacks the military charisma of Elsa Baur, he makes up for it with political cunning and ruthlessness, using his position as Captain of the Ducal Guard to control the Duchy with an iron fist. However, his ambition makes him a divisive figure, with many enemies within and outside the court, and his rivalry with Elsa may one day lead to a fatal clash.
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