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The Desert Kingdom

The Desert Kingdom

africa-insects-1 by Leroy Steinmann

Little is known of the primitive inhabitants of the region from which Desert People Human descends, and what little is known derives from rumors, legends and gossip gathered around the hearths of the bivouacs of the caravans who still have the audacity to venture among those lands.

What is known is that in the past, what is now a desert was a verdant expanse of fields and forests that thrived on vast plains, whose rolling hills covered with flowers and fruit trees had given impetus to a great kingdom that rapidly grew in importance and power until it reached its peak about 1400 years ago.

Whatever his name was, the people, or who governed them, are information lost over time, because the fall, if we want to call it that, happened even more rapidly than its rise.

In little more than a decade, the plains and lush forests turned into an expanse of sand and what were once large and populous cities were swallowed up forever by the desert, burying their immense riches with them.

It is reported that the ancient inhabitants of the region, however, desperately tried to oppose a fate that day by day seemed more and more ineluctable, wizards and sorcerers, did their utmost in the vain search for a remedy that could wrest their civilization from oblivion. Powerful spells were cast, prayers and sacrifices were consumed in an attempt to seek help from the deities who were worshiped throughout the realm. Nothing was able to move the Gods from their apparent destuction.

The rulers of the city and a good part of the population, however, were still confident of being able anyway, and in spite of everything, even of the Gods, to be able to find a solution to not abandon their kingdom, so almost all the population, except for some small groups, remained in their homes until the last moment, and this made the last page of the kingdom's history even more costly in terms of human lives, because many of them could have been saved if they had acted in time.

The end came swiftly (Night of the Sands), a day and night of sandstorms, and the cities began to disappear. Only then, when it was too late, a flood of people rushed out of the cities to seek refuge in the neighboring kingdoms, many of them choked in storms, or were simply swallowed up by the sands without breaking news. Very few survived that night of terror, still incredulous at the incredible and sudden end of their world.

Some said that in the last days, to kindle the hopes was the archmage of the capital, who just a few weeks before the "Night of the Sands" left the capital, together with some of his most trusted followers, to implement a plan that would had to prevent the catastrophe.

They left for the mountainous regions of the kingdom, to never return. What the plan consisted of, or whether or not it was implemented, is not known. The only certain thing is that the desert is still the master, and that it does not seem willing to give up its dominion.


The Kelifer

africa-insects-5 by Leroy Steinmann

Among the many pitfalls of the desert, one of the largest is the "Kelifer", a huge giant insect that inhabits the region's desert moors. Originally about an inch in size, it inhabited the sands of now dried up rivers. Following the catastrophe, it has surprisingly evolved, thriving where other species have definitively become extinct.

The dimensions of the largest individuals are considerable, reaching 3.5 meters in height by 7 meters in length. Equipped with 6 or 8 legs, even 12 have been sighted exceptionally, because it seems that their growth never stops, and continues for the entire duration of their life. They have no known natural predators, but fortunately the adult individuals of this size are not in numbers such as to pose a serious threat to the populations that inhabit the settlements built in the rocky areas of the desert. However, this does not mean that such a monster is not a serious threat, in case you have the misfortune of running into one of them.

They are extremely difficult to kill, have a thick chitinous armor that covers virtually every part of their body, and a vast sensory apparatus that helps them locate prey.

A pair of retractable antennas allow it to receive sounds and vibrations in the air, while the legs equipped with sensory beards make it sensitive to the vibrations of the ground. Two retractable trunks of about 1 meter, constitute a pair of olfactory sensors, as well as being used as probes to drink from the rare pools of water present and the body fluids of a victim, which is then devoured after being dismembered by a pair of limbs equipped with large pincers, which are two formidable weapons of defense and offense.

In reality, every limb of the insect is in itself a potential lethal weapon, as they are used to dig into the sands allowing the insect to create underground burrows and to move easily in the sandy subsoil of the desert, and simply to ambush, hiding under the sands waiting for prey. This is by far the preferred tactic of larger subjects. The huge insect has become increasingly important in the culture of the men of the desert also thanks to its particular life cycle.

They are born as small 1 to 2 centimeter larvae from an adult insect, and are deposited in large numbers in the sands. At this stage they have only 4 legs and two sketches of what will be the additional limbs with claws. They don't need to hunt yet; as a particular resinous liquid that flows under their still transparent shell, allows them a process similar to photosynthesis, providing them with the energy necessary to survive and grow in the sands. As the larvae gradually grow and increase in size, the chitinous shell gradually begins to darken, impairing photosynthesis and forcing them to hunt for food.

Their diet consists of small desert animals, and their own kind. With dimensions ranging from those of a large cat to those of a dog. However, they must also beware of larger individuals, of which they constitute one of the primary sources of food. This unique food chain is mainly due to the enormous imbalance between the various levels of the pyramid, in which a huge number of members of the lower steps, and a very small number of specimens at the top of the pyramid.

grooming_the_nakja by tsabo6

The people of the desert raise the young of these insects to extract the resin and once "tamed" as fearsome battle mounts. The resin is used to create a treatment for the skins that makes them 100% waterproof, thus allowing water to be transported without losses even for long journeys.

Bred insects, when they reach the size of a dog or even slightly larger, are used in a particular ceremony, the "Aelatyi" in which a young member of the tribe is tested against the insect. This ceremony has a double meaning, the first is the rite of passage to adulthood, the top allows you to choose between who passes the test (insect / human or both) who will be admitted to the ranks of the cavalry.

All those who do not pass the test but prove their worth are considered adults, but destined for other positions. Being admitted into the ranks of the cavalry is considered a great honor, as you have to be strong warriors and great connoisseurs of the desert and be part of it, it means making your voice heard in the assemblies.

The versatility of these insects makes them very useful in battle being able to use their pincers to attack or immobilize their knight's opponent in melee. However, it must be said that it is difficult to maintain a close bond with your insect mount, as from time to time it "tests" your handler. In these cases, a well-aimed blow on the insect's head can resolve the situation, in the worst case the rider will be able to ride another insect, as long as he survives the collision with his previous mount.

The Desert Women

The women of the Desert in general take care of support activities, dedicating themselves to the hearth, the breeding of insects and the medical arts, in which they demonstrate a mastery with spices and ointments to which few apothecaries or herbalists can aspire.

They are therefore not engaged in combat, but this does not mean that they do not know how to defend themselves if necessary. They are generally women hardened by the desert, to be respected and who do not tolerate injustice or abuse. The use of a chitinous knife made from an insect leg is their favorite weapon, in which they are very expert.

A woman, if she wants, can decide not to follow the path of the others and ask to undergo the ceremony of the "Aelatyi" the ritual combat. It is an unusual event, but allowed by the law of the clans.

If she wins the fight, or if she proves herself enough, she can be admitted to the knights.

Contrary to what happens for men, the Clan generally does not allow a clash of this kind to have a fatal outcome, it intervenes if necessary, unless the applicant specifically requests it before the start of the trial.

Winning an "Aelatyi" for a desert woman is worth more than beauty. She allows her to attend the “Kout”, she gives her the privilege of wearing her long hair down and a chitin necklace to testify to her worth.

She is also highly regarded for political weddings or for cementing clan alliances. Having such a wife is an honor for every male in the clan.

It is rare, but this would allow a woman to become a "Guardian of the Sands" and potentially a "Lord of the Sands", although this has never happened until now.


The society of the Men of the Desert is centered on Clans, a sort of extended families which also include more families and their affiliates, and is essentially of a Male and militant orientation.

Each Clan has its own settlement, usually built in rock, or more rarely on rocky plateaus with stone constructions. Brick constructions are almost non-existent as water is too important to use to make them.

The offenses are generally resolved by the head of the family according to a law of reciprocity, or by the "Guardian of the Sands" of the Clan for the more serious ones. Nevertheless, serious offenses or an assault can be resolved by the woman with the use of a knife if necessary.

The law of the Clan is strict and in the most controversial cases a "Kout" is used to decide. Acts of violence against a woman of a Clan by outsiders or even other members of the Clan, are generally very harshly punished.

Each Clan has its own leader, called the "Guardian of the Sands" chosen from among the most talented and veteran members of the cavalry, and is usually appointed in a "Kout" assembly formed by all the members of the cavalry of a Settlement. He is unanimously appointed, but often in the presence of several suitors, a ritual duel takes place in which each of the contenders faces the other or the survivor of other clashes if there are more. The fight takes place until one of the two declares surrender or is no longer able to fight.

If, on the other hand, one of the two declares that he wants a "Cafy", a duel to death. Ten among the knights, chosen at random, decide whether to accept the request. In the event that this request is accepted, the other fighter can refuse, thus withdrawing from the contest to become the new "Guardian of the Sands" of the clan by launching the other to complete the remaining fights or making him become the new "Guardian". To withdraw from a "Cafy" duel is considered unworthy of a knight, because it shows cowardice.

A Knight, however, can recognize the other as a better fighter than him, and in this case save the honor, he must however give proof of his worth again, this can generally happen following a difficult quest, or by facing the "Aelatyi" again. With a bigger insect chosen by the jury of the 10 knights who accepted the “Cafy ”.

When two or more Clans live in the same settlement, there can only be one “Guardian of the Sands” who has command of the entire settlement. The choice can be friendly with the various Clan leaders who agree among themselves who will be The Guardian in charge who takes the name "Keeper of the Sands". Otherwise they proceed to a "Great Kout" whose members are chosen in equal numbers for each Clan among the members of the cavalry, in the event that a clan has no knights, "acting" among the most experienced warriors are chosen for him of the Clan. Note that, however, if one or more Clans leave the settlement, the power over the Clan returns to its previous "Guardian".

The absolute power over all the Clans is conferred to the "Lord of the Sands" Elected of all the Clan Heads through a ceremony that decides who among all is the best warrior and the best connoisseur of the desert.

Candidates are left in the desert for 7 days with their battle gear. Whoever on his return proves to have killed the largest insect, by bringing back the caudal sting, becomes the new "Lord of the Sands".

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
The Lost Kingdom
Related Ethnicities

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Character flag image: by Alberto Zanini


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